Monday, May 25, 2020

The Importance Of Community Service - 1451 Words

The Importance of Community Service What is community service? If you asked me at my grade 8 graduation, I would have said that it was 40 hours of volunteering required to receive your high school diploma. I probably would have commented that it wouldn’t be hard to do- I mean it was only 10 hours every year. I might have also mentioned that I didn’t have a plan on how I was going to complete the requirement, but I would figure something out. Four years and over 200 community service hours later, I think it’s safe to say that I pulled something together, or even that that something pulled me together. Throughout high school, my involvement in both my local and global community has shaped me into the person I am today. Community service†¦show more content†¦A key example of this is Relay For Life, the event that puts Renfrew Collegiate Institute on the map. To put it simply, my school raises money for the Canadian Cancer Society as well as our local hospital’s oncology unit. But orga nizing the event is anything but simple. Through Relay For Life I learned that it takes a diverse group of people working together for a charity event to be successful. No one can do it alone and although sometimes there will be differences of opinions, when everyone has the same goal- in our case, to help find a cure for cancer- these obstacles can be overcome. I also discovered that making a difference in the world starts in your own town. This was very evident to me when I got to see the updated oncology unit and hear about how it has helped the patients in the community. It was amazing to me that the voluntary work of a group of students could allow for improvement in an area that is so important. This amazement pushed me to continue community service in my own town, where I could actually see the difference that was being done. Since grade 9 I have been involved with the Interact Club and, locally, I have helped collect winter wear for the Snowsuit Drive, gifts for the Angel Tr ee, and money towards local causes, such as the RVH. I enjoyed my time with the club so much that I became president in my grade 11 and 12 years. I believe that my biggestShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Volunteering In Community Service764 Words   |  4 PagesVolunteering in my community services programs for various activities has been the most important and influential thing that I can offer to my community. It has allowed me to show honestly, integrity, and hard work. Volunteering far supersedes financial gain since time has the ability to expand one’s perception of availability. 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