Friday, May 15, 2020

The Garbage Problem Of Victoria Bc - 918 Words

The purpose of the memorandum is to inform about the garbage problem in Victoria BC. Also discuss the importance of the landfill diverse and some solutions for Camosun College. Baila Lazarius from Business Vancouver magazine, says that according to Metro Vancouver estimated that 250,000 tonnes of food scraps enter landfills each year. The food waste produces greenhouse gas methane that contributed with the global warming. It costs 109$ per tonne according to Albert Shammes director of waste management for the City of Vancouver. The amount of garbage humans throw away is rising fast and it will not change without transformational changes in how we use and reuse materials. With the purpose of build conscious about this topic, in the past 2 weeks ago in November 24 as a project in my economic class, we went to the Hartland landfill in #1 Hartland Avenue. In the landfill a tour guide explain us the process that the garbage and recycle have to be exposed there. Briefly when the garbage and recycle are separated, the garbage is placed in hectares that later of time to be compacted for a car, it is cover with sawdust or wood power. On the other hand the recycle are separated in container by the staff and later sell it to companies. With the found they get from sell the recycle and the amount paying by householders is actually what helps the landfill to be sustainability. Hartland practices some ecofriendly activities to diminish the impact ozone layer, for example in someShow MoreRelatedThe Marijuana Growers Guide9909 Words   |  40 Pagesuse of the criminal sanction. Laws protecting public safety, such as driving while under the influence of any substanc e, would still be kept on the books. However, as consumers we have an additional responsibility: we must begin to address the problems of supply and demand. It is essential that we take upon ourselves the task of proposing viable solutions to the current unworkable prohibition. With this is mind, numerous cannabis reform organizations around the world have begun exploring modelsRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 PagesChapter 1 NAME The Market Introduction. The problems in this chapter examine some variations on the apartment market described in the text. In most of the problems we work with the true demand curve constructed from the reservation prices of the consumers rather than the â€Å"smoothed† demand curve that we used in the text. Remember that the reservation price of a consumer is that price where he is just indiï ¬â‚¬erent between renting or not renting the apartment. At any price below the reservationRead MoreAn Evaluation of an on-Farm Food Safety Program for Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Producers; a Global Blueprint for Fruit and Vegetable Producers51659 Words   |  207 Pagesall types of risk managers (government officials, private sector businesses, individual members of the public) make good risk management decisions. The framework has six stages (Figure 1.2): †¢ define the problem and put it in context; †¢ analyze the risks associated with the problem in context; †¢ examine options for addressing the risks; †¢ make decisions about which options to implement; †¢ take actions to implement the decisions; and, †¢ conduct an evaluation of the action’sRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 PagesOrganizational Cultures in MNCs Family Culture Eiffel Tower Culture Guided Missile Culture Incubator Culture 170 174 176 176 177 178 Managing Multiculturalism and Diversity Phases of Multicultural Development Types of Multiculturalism Potential Problems Associated with Diversity Advantages of Diversity Building Multicultural Team Effectiveness A Successful Multicultural Workforce 180 180 182 183 185 185 187 The World of International Management—Revisited Summary of Key Points Key Terms Review

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