Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Use It Depends in Conversation

In conversation, it is not always possible to give a yes or no answer to a question about our opinion. Life is not always black or white! For example, imagine you are having a conversation about your study habits. Someone might ask you: Do you study hard? You might want to say: Yes, I study hard. However, that statement might not be 100% true. A more accurate answer might be: It depends on which subject Im studying. If Im studying English, then yes I study hard. If Im studying math, I dont always study hard. Of course, the answer, Yes, I study hard. might be truthful as well. Answering questions with it depends allows you to answer questions with more nuance. In other words, using it depends lets you say in which cases something is true and which cases false. There are a few different grammar forms involved when using it depends. Take a look at the following structures. Be sure to carefully note when to use It depends on ..., It depends if ..., It depends on how /what / which / where, etc., or simply It depends. Yes or No? It Depends The most simple answer is a sentence stating It depends. After this, you can follow up by stating yes and no conditions. In other words, the meaning of the phrase: It depends. If it is sunny - yes, but if it is rainy - no. It depends if the weather is good or not. Another common conversational reply to a yes / no question is It depends. Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. However, as you can imagine answering a question with this doesnt provide much information. Here is a short dialogue as an example: Mary: Do you enjoy playing golf?Jim: It depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Answering the question with a more complete version provides more information: Mary: Do you enjoy playing golf?Jim: It depends. If I play well - yes, but if I play badly - no. It depends on noun / noun clause One of the most common ways to use it depends is with the preposition on. Be careful to not use another preposition! I sometimes hear It depends about... or It depends from ... these are both incorrect. Use It depends on with a noun or noun phrase, but not with a full clause. For example: Mary: Do you like Italian food?Jim: It depends on the restaurant. OR Mary: Do you like Italian food?Jim: It depends on the type of restaurant. It depends on how adjective subject verb A similar usage that takes a full clause is It depends on how plus an adjective followed by adjective and full clause. Remember that a full clause takes both the subject and verb. Here are a few examples: Mary: Are you lazy?Jim: It depends on how important the task is to me. Mary: Are you a good student?Jim: It depends on how difficult the class is. It depends on which / where / when / why / who subject verb Another similar use of It depends on is with questions words. Follow It depends on with a question word and a full clause. Here are a few examples: Mary: Are you usually on time?Jim: It depends on when I get up. Mary: Do you like buying gifts?Jim: It depends on who the gift is for. It depends if clause Finally, use it depends with an if clause to express conditions for whether something is true or not. Its common to end the if clause with or not.   Mary: Do you spend a lot of money?Jim: It depends if Im on vacation or not.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

An Introduction With A Thesis Statement - 1064 Words

Week 3 - Assignment D. Josh Rhoderick BUS311: Business Law I Instructor: Daniel Malvin Nov 30th , 2015 Final Paper Proposal: Develop an introduction with a thesis statement for the Final Paper: I have been tasked with figuring out if contracts with several large businesses will be governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code. Analyze with the owner formed a contract with the businesses, and apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract. The business is growing, we want to exceed our clients expectations and provide an excellent customer experience however, it’s also my job to ensure our liability for personal injury due to our service is kept to a minimum. Therefore, I will explain our potential personal liability if someone were to get hurt. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each employment type as it relates to agency law. Finally, my final task as manager will be to recommend a new business entity and recommend that Acme Fireworks company should not operate as a sole proprietorship. Create an outline of the major headings with a two- to three-sentence description of what you will discuss under each heading: Common law or Uniform Commercial Code (UCC): Here I will explain why I think Acme Fireworks should use Common Law. UCC and common law have many differences for example common law requires a description of the quantity, price, performance time nature of the work and identity of an offer to be part of a valid contract.Show MoreRelatedIntroduction. Thesis Statement: . The Katzenbach Center1665 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Thesis Statement: The Katzenbach Center survey success was based on organizational change initiatives not just the participants response, many people argue. In this paper, I propose to prove participants who took the survey were in fact of sound mind, and effective to get the right responses as a result. The percentages of participants who took the survey says a lot about the change task they underwent effectiveness and failures. Their experience with organizational change controlRead MoreDetailed Outline. Introduction . †¢My Thesis Statement..1277 Words   |  6 Pages Detailed Outline Introduction †¢ My thesis statement. †¢ My intro will cover where I got the idea for this research. †¢ Key Ideas leading to Gaps/Motivation †¢ The holes I found. †¢ Why I wanted to stay away from PTSD research †¢ What I learned from the lit review †¢ background †¢ more background†¦. †¢ Why my research matters Method Participants †¢ Fourty traditional college students (18-22-year-olds) attending the University of Arkansas will be used as participants †¢ Twenty females and twenty males †¢Read MoreWhat Makes A Good First Impression?1508 Words   |  7 PagesAn introduction does not need to be long (and should not be), but it is an important part of an essay. A weak introduction can cause readers to lose interest in your essay from the start, whereas a strong introduction will engage your readers and make them want to continue reading. Of course, the introduction is the first part of your essay that your audience will read, and it s important to make a good first impression. This page provides suggestions to help you write strong introductions. Introductions:Read MoreWhy Did Claim Is True?860 Words   |  4 Pagesthought out, that consists of an introduction, has body paragraphs that supports each claim, and ends with a conclusion. Even though all of these parts of the essay are critical to the essays writing process, yet the most significant part of the essay is the thesis statement because it sets up the initial structure of the paper; therefore, the thesis creates the main claim of the essay which is followed by two reasons of why that claim is true, by setting up the thesis this way the writer then has theRead MoreOutline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing1665 Words   |  4 PagesMuskan  Hossain     American  Terror:  The  Oklahoma  City  Bombing  cements  terrorism  into  the  minds  of   citizens  Ã‚      Thesis:   Due  to  the  Oklahoma  City  Bombing,  U.S.  citizens  are  corrected  of  their  stereotypical   thoughts  towards  terrorism;  Terrorists  aren’t  commonly  Muslims  or  foreign  enemies.      I. Overview      II. The  significance  of  the  Oklahoma  City  Bombing   A. Controversies  that  arose   B. Questions  thought  and  asked  by  the  citizens   C. Impact  towards  the  Federal  Government   D.   How  it  shook  the  ilRead MoreThe Importance Of Ethos Pathos And Logos871 Words   |  4 Pagesgreat essay is a well formulated thesis statement, as a thesis will set the tone for the essay and allow points to flow from one to another. The tone of an essay leads the reader in a direction that guides them to have a specific opinion or strong emotion that is provoked at the end of the essay. This tone is well set by the thesis statement at the end of the introduction to the paper, this thesis will be the start of what makes the essay. In the few words a thesis will contain a claim and two pointsRead MoreMy Writing : The Secret Of Change853 Words   |  4 Pageslittle knowledge of what a thesis statement is, and what I thought I knew was wrong. Also, I used no transitions between my thoughts and ideas. It made so my ideas did not flow well. The introductions to my essays were vague and undetailed. This made my papers confusing. Altogether, my writing did not sound good. Now I have made changes to my writing through my thesis statements, use of transitions, and introduction paragraphs. As the year has gone by, my theses statements have improved greatly. AtRead MoreEssay about Crj 100 Week 10 Assignment 3 Probation and Punishment746 Words   |  3 Pagesv=o8CW6wzNYeA. o Introduction and Thesis Statement: Grab the attention of the audience of readers. It should define the topics of discussion and articulate the problem that will be discussed in the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement formula is as follows: the topic + your opinions / arguments = thesis statement. The following video shows how to write an introduction and thesis statement: http://www.youtubeRead MoreEnglish Composition One: To Be an Essay or Not to Be an Essay That Is the Question910 Words   |  4 Pagessoon as possible or before the process of writing begins. The next step for me would be to find the argument and take a side. Moreover, picking a thesis statement through brainstorming the information I gathered for original ideas, so I can start my outline. This outline must consist of three basic parts to support the thesis. These parts are the introduction, body, and conclusion. Something that is often forgotten that is equally important is the editing of the language; this has helped improve my gradeRead MoreExpression Is Vital For A Society Essay1370 Words   |  6 Pagesparagraphs, thesis statements, and paper revision, all of which have helped me develop as a writer so I can further express myself and inspire others with my words. One of my major improvements from this semester was on my introductory paragraphs. As a writer, I have the tendency to overly express myself and use too many words to explain a general concept. An introduction paragraph consists of broad concepts that funnel into a thesis. I recall struggling substantially with producing an introduction paragraph

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Harry Gordon Frankfurt, an American Philosopher free essay sample

Harry Frankfurt defined the principle of alternate possibilities ( PAP ): A person is morally responsible for his actions if he could t have done otherwise . And he argued as follows 1) ( PAP) is true 2) determinism : every event must be the way it is and we could t do otherwise Is also true Conclusion: ( PAP ) and determinism are not compatible This argument is a valid argument but It Is not a sound one because the author doesnt agree with the conclusion of the argument and since It Is a valid argument o he decides that one of the premises Is false and doubts the first premise .By Glenn us an example he will try to convince us that the (PAP) Is false . He states that Jones does action (A) and that Black Is some kind of manipulator that has the ability to manipulate Jones so he can Inhalant Jones from performing actions other than (A) without Jones knowing that black exists . We will write a custom essay sample on Harry Gordon Frankfurt, an American Philosopher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Black will manipulate only If Jones Is going to decide to do otherwise , so we conclude that Jones could t have done otherwise cause of Black , nevertheless Jones is morally responsible for action (A) because he did all on his own without the interference of Black.This example contradicts with definition of (PAP) . Because Jones is morally responsible even though he could t have done otherwise. Moreover I think it is wise to add an argument here : 1) Jones is morally responsible for his action (A) 2) Jones could t have done otherwise ( in other words his actions are determined ) We conclude that moral responsibility is compatible with determinism .One thing that I noticed from the example is that black s duty or job is to block or inhibit Jones choices of actions other than action (A) . Therefore the author admits that there are other choices of actions ( possible alternatives ) than action (A) , so possible alternatives is true but we have to find the right definition and application for it .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

School Business Administration free essay sample

This course has opened up the opportunity to communicate more with staff and students, this opened up relations between them. It has made me understand the general feeling of students and staff on how the rewards scheme is run and I have then been able to communicate this to higher authorities within the school, thus enabling a line of communication between all levels. Building positive relationships within school requires good communication, being pen to discussion, polite, conducting myself professionally and being considerate to all involved. Being a good listener. Recognising differences with others views and ideas. Always showing respect and always offering knowledge, support and guidance where possible. Good ideas should be communicated with assertiveness and good interaction within the team. Humour and motivation are beneficial in building and maintaining relationships I have learnt it is extremely important that all lines of communication are efficient nd successful in maintaining relationships with stakeholders and key to sustaining their involvement with the school. We will write a custom essay sample on School Business Administration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Communication and building relationships is also a vital part of the administration within my role in the school, communication must be effective and efficient in delivering information and maintaining relationships with stakeholders. Communicate effectively with contacts : During this course I have learnt that effective communication can improve team work, resolve disputes, help everybody be happier and more efficient and effective within their role. It can also help progress your role and career within the school. It is important to learn communication on all levels whether through verbal, telephone or written communication. I need to ensure that the schools aims and objectives, all procedures, legislation, and policies are being complied with in regard to all communication and information used and in how it is shared. Communication must be effective and efficient in delivering information and maintain relationships with stakeholders. Verbal Communication when communicating verbally either face to face or on the hone always ensure you think before you speak and listen effectively to what you are being told as miscommunication can produce problems and listening can gain more respect and cooperation from the people you are talking to. When you are trying to communicate effectively you need to think about what you say as well as how you say it. Make sure that body language is open and accessible; maintaining eye contact with the person you are speaking to. Ensure I am always dressed professionally, presenting a good image for both myself and the school. Written Communication part ot my administrative role involves ot lot ot written communication and information which is communicated via letter, email or fax, especially for meetings, where the aim is to gather, prepare, collate and distribute information from school and departmental records. Facilitating the minutes and ensuring they are recorded, stored, distributed and updated precisely, confidentially and efficiently. This information is used by many stakeholders and is imperative that it is correct, accurate, and relevant to the person requesting or receiving the nformation. All written communication needs to be clear, grammatically correct, precise, and professional to the school. Acting within the limits of my authority and referring issues beyond my authority to the appropriate people : Since initiating my Personal Development Plan with my line manager, I am more aware of my role within the school and how I can develop and expand my role for the benefit of the school. There has also been a vacancy made within the school, SIMS Manager, which due to the financial climate will not be fully replaced, it has therefore ad various parts of the role distributed between myself and another member of the support staff. My Job role has therefore been revised; this will need to be altered with the School Business Manager. Within my new duties I am undertaking more procedures within SIMS and handling more data, recording, storing, maintaining, extracting and sharing with stakeholders. I understand that if I cannot deal with an issue or problem, who I need to refer this to within the school or how I can resolve the problem myself through asking the relevant person or department for help and guidance.