Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethnics studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ethnics studies - Essay Example To start with, smoke signals does not have an elaborate theme as it keeps on shifting from the niche of poverty to richness or urban to rural as the acting environment. In addition, it has not provided adequate illustration of the characters because one can see victor and his friend engaged in much of Indian type of culture while their parents are of English origin. The only bold part of this movie is the racial theme aspect. This is more pronounced from the beginning of the movie when Victor’s speaks like an Indian in persuasion for a lift. It is also clear on ethnic disparity between the Indians and English speakers. Such incidents have also featured in the Mclintock movie when Mr. Douglas saves an Indian racial leader from an assassination attempt after been mistaken to have kidnapped one of the girls who later turned out to have been lost on her way back home. Moreover, the two films above indicate racial ethnicity dated as far as 1950s, but none has a clear chronological analysis of specific duration in which it existed. This makes it very difficult for the audience to draw appropriate analysis and may be mistaken that it was meant to brainwash members of the society (Alexie 4:00). In the Mclintock movie, Americans have also demonstrated the theme of ethnicity against Indian immigrants without proper arguments supporting the racial disparity between these two communities. For instance, in Mclintock movie, we have only been showed the grounds of assassination of the Indian leader on the counts of ethnicity with no proper backings. This kind of theme is also cultivated in the smoke signals where Indians are treated as poor, weak and heavy drinkers who do not even form part of their culture (Alexie 2:00). Both movies demonstrate the themes of violence that has no foundation throughout the whole play. At the initial stages of the smoke signals, Victor’s parents are engaged in violence that may be assumed to be domestic in nature. In addition, Victor and his

Monday, October 28, 2019

War Poetry Coursework Essay Example for Free

War Poetry Coursework Essay Peoples attitudes towards war changed as the war progressed and this is shown in the war poetry which reported about war to the civilians back in Britain. At first these war poems praised war, but when the soldiers realised the truth about war, their poetry changed to show the horrors of war. Eventually poets began writing to ask for the war to stop. The early World War One poetry was written in praise of war. This is because the poets had not yet experienced the horrors of war. They believed the propaganda which led them to believe that war was glorious. Two examples of such poetry are The Soldier and The Dead both by Rupert Brooke. Both of the poems are sonnets. Sonnets are traditionally love poems so through using this form Brooke shows his love for his country. The poems say that it is glorious to die at war: Dying has made us rarer gifts than gold, The Dead This means that the people who die at war are more precious than gold because of their sacrafice. Brooke believes that they have become better people through dying for a cause. The Soldier glorifies death at war by saying If I should dieTheres some corner of a foreign field that is forever England. Brooke cares more about the glory of England than for his own life. Brooke regards death at war as a glorious thing although the word If shows that he does not expect to die. Each poem uses personification. The Dead personifies the Dead by giving the word Dead a capital letter showing respect. The soldier personifies England by calling it her. This also shows patriotism because Brooke thinks of England as a person. The Soldier repeats the word England and English throughout the poem showing Brookes patriotism. The sestet of The Soldier portrays an English Heaven showing patriotism. Rupert Brooke writes as if England was his mother: A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware. This shows why he is so patriotic; England has helped him so much he is repaying the country by risking his life for it, he does not care if he dies for England because he believes that without England he would not have lived in the first place. The Dead displays patriotism because it mentions heritage showing he is proud of Englands military past. Rupert Brooke is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve as he thinks he will not die at war. However, he believes that if he does die at war it will be a glorious and beautiful event. In The Dead he starts off the poem with the words Blow out, you bugles! Over the rich dead. Brooke is celebrating the fact that they have died. This conveys how much he believed death at war was good because he celebrated it. The word Rich suggests that the dead have gained from dying. Poetry written on the front line expressed the differences between the fake image of war which the propaganda created and the truth. The poems described the poor conditions and the number of casualties on the front line. Two examples of such poetry are A Working Party by Siegfried Sassoun and Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. These poems use irony to show how different reality was to the image of war created by propaganda. Sassoun says that there are nimble rats in the trenches. This shows that the rats have more energy than the exhausted soldiers. It also indicates that the conditions must be poor in the trenches for rats to be thriving. Dulce Et Decorum Est has an ironic tile. It is taken from a Latin saying meaning it is sweet and fitting to die for your country. It is an ironic title because the poem shows that it is far from sweet and fitting to die at war. In these poems the irony contrasts emphasises the contrast between the propaganda and reality. Both the poems show the disabling effects of war and how the conditions are dehumanizing for the soldiers. Sassoun uses strong words such as blundered and wretchedly to show how the men have been disabled by war. The word grunt conveys how the conditions have caused them to become animalistic. Owen describes how war has had a disabling effect on the men in the opening lines of the poem. Owen decribes the men as Bent double, like old beggars under sacks. / Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed our way through sludge. This shows how the soldiers have been transormed into sick, angry old men by the war. They are described as drunk with fatigue because they are so tired and overworked that they cannot work or behave normally, but act as if they were drunk from alcohol. Owen and Sassoun make use of direct realism and show panic in emergencies. In Dulce Et Decorum Est the soldier shouts Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! The monosylabic words and exclamation marks show the panic when the gas shell explodes. The speech comes suddenly after a slower description of the trenches and soldiers. This takes the reader by surprise and makes us feel the soldiers surprise when the gas bomb came. In A Woring Party the soldiers say Keep to your right make way!. This shows that the trenches were crowded. The short sentences and monosybalic words show urgency. The exclamation mark emphasises the urgency and frustration of the men as they hurry to get through a trench. The poems have bitter and angry tones. This shows the poets anger at having to go to war. The anger and bitterness is shown in the negative words used throughout the poems. Sassoun uses negative words to descirbe the conditions and feelings of the soldiers such as sodden, wretchedly and chilly. He shows the soldiers individual anger at the war when he says that a soldier stooped and swore / Because a sagging wire had caught his neck. This angry the soldiers are that they will swear at something so little as a sagging wire just to release some of the anger. Wilfred Owen is also angry and bitter at the war. He uses negative words to show this such as haunting, blood-shod, and Bitter as the cud. Owen also shows the mens anger at war by saying they cursed through sludge. Both the poems use repetition to emphasise certain points. A Working Party uses repetition to emphasise how quickly a soldier can die. The poem starts off with the words Three hours ago he blundered up the trench. Half way through the poem the Sassoun repeats this using the word stumbled instead of blundered. The repetition halfway through reminds us how short ago it was when the soldier was alive. Dulce Et Decorum Est also uses repetition. The word drowning is repeated to emphasise the death of the soldier. Both the poems show how qucikly the soldiers die. Sassoun saysthat the man was alive Three hours ago. Owen describes the mans death as it happens in a few seconds when gas kills him suddenly. Owen and Sassoun show that in reaity there is no honour in death at war. In Dulce Et Decorum Est Owen describes how the dead corpse is flung into the wagon. Owen describes the mans white eyes writhing in his face,/ His hanging face like a devils sick of sin. The dead is not treated like a hero but like he is merely another casualty of many in the war. He is not treated with respect but he is treated like a peice of rubbish in a dump. In A Working Party the mans death is not glorious. We know he did not want to die because he thougth of getting bakc by half-past twelve He was stacking sand bags when a shell exploded nearby causing his head to split open. This is not the gloriouus death that we would expect from earlier poems. He is not killed while shooting down enemy troops or in some other glorious heroic way but he is killed stacking sand bags. The Poems have pathos. They both focus on just one death making it stand out from the millions of other casualties. The pathos is extremely effective in A Working Party because Sassoun describes the mans life in Britain: He was a young man with a meagre wife And two small children. This makes us pity him more becasue he had family that he has left behind. Sassoun also describes the mans character. He was a decent chap who did his work and hadnt much to say. This makes the man seem more of an innocent victim than he would if he hadnt been described at all. The mans actions leading up to his death are also described. Irony is used to make us symathise with him because He thought of getting back by half-past twelve. Wilfred Owen also describes just one death but also focuses on the effect is has on Owen. There is a gas attack on a group of men. All the others manage to get away but someone still was yelling out and stumbling. this makes us pity the one man more because he dies alone. Owen tell us the effect the death had on him: In all my dreams before my helpless sight / He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. This makes us pity not only the man who died but also Owen. It also shows that death was such a terrible thing that it had more than one victim, it traumatised the living who would carry the memory for the rest of their lives. As the war progressed the poetry became increasingly bitter. Poets became determined to show the truth of what went on at the front line. They wanted to stop people believing the false image the propaganda had given them so that they would think twice about enlisting. Two of these poems were Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Does it matter? by Seigfried Sassoun. At the time the poems were written many people believed that if they were disabled at war they would be treated as heroes but these poems show that in reality there was no glory in being disabled at war. Seigfried Sassoun shows that there is no glory through his sarcastic tone. The poem asks does it matter? losing your legs? / For people will always be kind. This will make the reader realise that even if people are always kind, it is little compensation for having no legs. The third stanza is about the psychological scars of war. The poem suggests sarcastically that it would not matter to go mad as a result of the war because people wont say that youre mad; For theyll know you fought for your country / And no one will worry a bit. This will make the reader see that the idea of people treating you with respect if you are disabled by war is an unrealistic one. The words And no one will worry a bit are effective because the sarcasm suggests they wont worry because they know why you are disabled and will respect you, whereas in reality people wont worry about you because people wont care. In Disabled the soldiers welcome home is far from heroic. Owen writes: some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer goal. Only a solemn man who brought him fruits. The man is not welcomed back as a hero but is greeted by just one solemn man. He will not be treated as a hero. Instead he will spend a few sick years in institutes. He is lonely and abandoned now shown by the last lines of the poem which ask Why dont they come? Owen and Sassoun show that disabled soldiers rely on pity. They would have expected to have relied on respect after they return but people no longer respect them, they pity them. They rely on peoples kindness as they cannot look after themselves anymore. Sassoun writes that people will always be kind. This is a sarcastic statement because they wont always be kind and if they are it is for the wrong reasons. Disabled shows that the man is abandoned by society. The man is lonely as he sat in a wheelchair waiting for dark. If he was a hero he would be attractive to girls, but instead they touch him like some queer disease. He is neglected as he wants to go to bed but no one comes leaving him on his own, asking Why dont they come? Each poem compares the disabled men to able bodied men showing the contrast between what they are and what they were. Does It Matter? says about the activities the other men take part in which the disabled man cannot participate in: The others come in after hunting to gobble their muffin and eggs. This makes the reader pity the disabled man more because he is left out and forgotten while the able bodied men are having fun. Disabled contrasts the man in the wheelchair with the boys in the park. The man is also contrasted with the way he was before he went to war: There was an artist silly for his face, For it was younger than his youth, last year. Now, he is old. This shows how in just one year he has turned from a handsome young boy into an elderly man. Both A Working Party and Does It Matter use rhetorical questions to encourage the reader to think. Sassoun asks Does it matter? Losing your legs?, Does it matter? Losing your sight? and Do they matter? Those dreams from the pit? After each question there is a pause to make the reader think. These questions are sarcastic becasue they make it seem like it doesnt matter when the poem shows that in reality it does matter. By repeating the question Does it matter? the reader is constantly reminded that it matters a lot to be disabled by war. Disabled repeats a question at the end: Why dont they come And put him to bed? Why dont they come? By making the question the last part of the poem the reader is left thinking about it. By repeating the question it emphasises the lonliness and despair of the soldier. Both the poems are angry at the war and at the attitudes of people in Britain. Wilfred Owen is angry that the army recruited a man who was drunk and underage. The poem says smiling they wrote his lie; aged nineteen years. The fact that the men were smiling makes them seem evil as they were sending a boy off to war. Owen is angry at the war. He see the war as pointless because the boy threw away his legs suggesting that he did it for no good reason. Sassoun is angry at the attitudes of British civilians towards the war and towards the disabled. This is shown in his angry sarcastic tone. The poems show the disabled men remembering when they were able bodied. This shows that remembering better days is all they can do now as they will never have those happy experiences of their youth again. In Disabled the man remembers when he was poular with girls, he remembers playing football and he remembers why he signed up for the war in the first place. He remembers when the town used to swing so gay. In Does It Matter? Sassoun says if you lose your sight you can sit on the terrace remembering. This shows that if you lose your sight all you will have to go by is memories of vision. Disabled and Does It Matter? both focus on the disabling effects after a soldier returns to Britain. Does It Matter? shows how you can lose limbs, lose your sight and be psycholigally affected by war. Disabled shows how a single man has been affected by losing his legs and one arm at war. Towards the end of the war the poets began to ask for the war to stop. They prayed to God for an end to the violence. Two examples of such poetrry are Futility by Wilfred Owen and How Long O Lord by Robert Palmer. They both use rhetorical questions to make the reader think about the purpose of the war. Robert Palmer makes the title of his poem a rhetorical question. Palmer asks God twice in the poem how long the war will last. He asks How long, O Lord, how long, before the flood / Of crimson-welling carnage shall abate. He also asks How long / Shall Satan in high places lead the blind / To battle for the passions of the strong? This is the same question but in each one war is decribed differently to show that there are so many bad things about war. The questions show how desperate Palmer is for the war to end. Wilfred Owen also uses rhetorical questions. He asks Are limbs so clear achieved, are sides Full nerved still warm too hard to stir? He is asking that if the sun once brought life to the earth why it cant bring life to the dead soldier. Owen hopes that if he moves the dead body into the sun it owould bring him back to life. This shows how desperate Owen was that he was willing to try to wake the dead this way. Owen asks a second rhetorical question. He asks Who is it for the day grew tall, O what made fortuous sunbeam toil To break earths sleep at all? This question shows how war has caused Owen to give up hope and ask what was the point in God creating the world if he would only let it be destroyed by war. The poems are both asking for miracles. Owen is asking for the sun to awake a dead man. Palmer is asking for God to end the war. Both the poems use personification. Robert Palmer personifies feelings of hate and pride: Hate their most hateful, pride their deadliest foe. This means that the soldiers biggest enemy is not the Germans but it is their own hate and pride. If they did not have hate for the Germans there would be no war. If they did not have pride they would not have signed up for the war. Owen personifies the kind old sun. This shows that the sun is the only thing Owen has to be thankful for during the war, he looks to it like a friend as he desperately wants the man to awake. Thus to conclude during the four years of World War One the poetry changed to reflect the changing attitudes of the soldiers. At first poets glorified war, as the war progressed they wrote about how they had been lied to by propaganda and about the terrible reality of war. The poetry became increasingly bitter throughout the war and eventually the same poets who glorified war began pleading for the war to stop.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

John Miltons Struggle With Society Essay -- Biography Biographies Ess

John Milton's Struggle With Society John Milton, unlike so many other authors and public figures during the English Civil War, is remarkably easy to place within a historical context. As a vocal supporter of the Commonwealth, Milton left a great deal of information and writings behind to explain precisely how he fit into 17th century England. As Secretary for Foreign Tongues, or Latin Secretary, he worked closely with many of the foremost members of the anti-monarchial regime, such as Oliver Cromwell. As politically active as he was, Milton was equally vocal on matters of religion; he was prolific in his writings against both the Catholic and Apostolic churches. Milton's beliefs and political views were diverse and unique; thus, as Andrew Milner is quoted in Thomas Corn's work, Milton was, "in fact, an Independent pure and simple" (113). Though Milton's political, social, and religious views are made stunningly clear through an examination of the large body of evidence he left behind, it remains difficult to comprehend the significance of his major epics, including Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. While they are undoubtedly significant as reflections on biblical stories, there seems to be a deeper significance that relates directly to Milton's political and religious beliefs. Indeed, it seems clear that Milton intended not merely to retell the biblical stories, but to infuse them with significance beyond mere religion. In order to understand most anything about Milton, one must first understand Milton's world; one must understand the English Revolution and its historical roots. The revolution began in 1579 with the reformation parliament that formed under Henry VIII. Though parliament itself w... ...d Corns, Thomas N. "'Some rousing motions': the plurality of Miltonic ideology." Literature and the English Civil War. Ed. Thomas Healy, Jonathan Sawday. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 110-126. Fallon, Robert Thomas. "A Second Defence: Milton's Critique of Cromwell?" Milton Studies 39 (2000): 167-83. ---. Divided Empire: Milton's Political Imagery. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. New York: Viking, 1977. Knoppers, Laura Lunger. Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in Restoration England. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1994. McAdams, James R. "The Pattern of Temptation in Paradise Regained." Milton Studies 4 (1972): 177-93. Orgel, Stephen, and Jonathan Goldberg, eds. John Milton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Â  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Positive behaviour Essay

2. Be able to support positive behaviour 2.1 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour: Rewarding positive behaviour comes with many benefits. The main benefit is that it encourages the child to behave in an acceptable way as they will want to receive the rewards for doing so such as stickers, or being able to choose a story/activity. With the children behaving in the correct way the atmosphere of the nursery is going to be much more pleasant and relaxed and allow the nursery assistants to teach and carry out activities effectively without any disruptions, meaning the children will be receiving high quality levels of education and care. This also relates to home atmosphere as well. If a child is being brought up in an encouraging and rewarding environment rather than one focused on punishments for bad behaviour the child is going to come to nursery and carry on with their good behaviour and know what is expected of them, and thus the consistency is imperative. Another benefit is that the children are learning from each other so by seeing a child being rewarded for good behaviour, it is going to make them want to behave in the same way so that they can also receive rewards. Children may try to use bad behaviour as a way to gain attention from their teachers so it is very important that you give them attention when they are behaving in the proper way, so that they learn to stop the bad behaviour as it will not give them the attention the want. By praising and encouraging the children, it will make the children feel good about themselves and become more confident and encourage them to work harder in the future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Why a College Education Is Important to Me

Heather Keller AC1300869 EN110 Achieving Academic Excellence Assignment 5_06 Why a College Education is Important to Me April 17, 2013 The importance of an education in today's society proves demanding and also essential. To understand the importance of education, we must first understand what education entails. Education can be described as the process of learning and applying the materials learned to everyday situations. Education plays an important role in our success in this ever changing world.As our economy explodes with many advances, the necessity for education grows considerably. As an adolescent in high school we begin to examine the significance of that of an education. Questions pertaining to our choice in a particular career field, the amount of salary that we desire, and the goals we wish to obtain may arise. The choice to pursue a college education can open numerous opportunities. Also a college education will improve your overall success throughout life.In securing a future involving a college education, one must be dedicated to spending several hours to studying and obtaining realistic goals. The advantages to obtaining a college education are endless. For most individuals the clear cut advantage is a higher paying salary. According to the U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, an individual with a bachelor's degree earned more than twice as much as those without a high school diploma or equivalency.Opportunities for employment are in higher demand for those who demonstrate higher more efficient knowledge. The knowledge or skills gained from attending college with help further guide you throughout life. With multiple career opportunities available, college proves to be beneficial to a persons success. Another advantage to having a college education is the personal growth and development that a person acquires during this time. For myself, personal growth is a main factor for achieving my personal goals.Personal growth and development can be described in many different forms. Mental, physical, financial, and emotional are just a few examples. The sense of accomplishment or personal gain received from applying one's self, is an advantage all in its self. The importance of an education has been repeatedly stated by several of history's inspirational leaders, such as Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin stated â€Å"Genius without education is like silver in the mine. † Also he stated â€Å"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. These ingenious words are clear in their meaning and hold a very inspirational thought. The rationale for pursuing a college education is all to clear. The outcome that arises from extended education has proven more beneficial compared to those of a high school graduate. Potential for better career opportunities, higher pay salary, advancements in career fields and personal satisfaction are clear advantages to the importance of a college education. References: Brainyquote. com Author: Benjamin Franklin Source: National Center for Education Statistics The Condition of Education 2012 Why a College Education Is Important to Me Heather Keller AC1300869 EN110 Achieving Academic Excellence Assignment 5_06 Why a College Education is Important to Me April 17, 2013 The importance of an education in today's society proves demanding and also essential. To understand the importance of education, we must first understand what education entails. Education can be described as the process of learning and applying the materials learned to everyday situations. Education plays an important role in our success in this ever changing world.As our economy explodes with many advances, the necessity for education grows considerably. As an adolescent in high school we begin to examine the significance of that of an education. Questions pertaining to our choice in a particular career field, the amount of salary that we desire, and the goals we wish to obtain may arise. The choice to pursue a college education can open numerous opportunities. Also a college education will improve your overall success throughout life.In securing a future involving a college education, one must be dedicated to spending several hours to studying and obtaining realistic goals. The advantages to obtaining a college education are endless. For most individuals the clear cut advantage is a higher paying salary. According to the U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, an individual with a bachelor's degree earned more than twice as much as those without a high school diploma or equivalency.Opportunities for employment are in higher demand for those who demonstrate higher more efficient knowledge. The knowledge or skills gained from attending college with help further guide you throughout life. With multiple career opportunities available, college proves to be beneficial to a persons success. Another advantage to having a college education is the personal growth and development that a person acquires during this time. For myself, personal growth is a main factor for achieving my personal goals.Personal growth and development can be described in many different forms. Mental, physical, financial, and emotional are just a few examples. The sense of accomplishment or personal gain received from applying one's self, is an advantage all in its self. The importance of an education has been repeatedly stated by several of history's inspirational leaders, such as Benjamin Franklin. Benjamin Franklin stated â€Å"Genius without education is like silver in the mine. † Also he stated â€Å"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. These ingenious words are clear in their meaning and hold a very inspirational thought. The rationale for pursuing a college education is all to clear. The outcome that arises from extended education has proven more beneficial compared to those of a high school graduate. Potential for better career opportunities, higher pay salary, advancements in career fields and personal satisfaction are clear advantages to the importance of a college education. References: Brainyquote. com Author: Benjamin Franklin Source: National Center for Education Statistics The Condition of Education 2012

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Need and Small Overall Portion Essay

Need and Small Overall Portion Essay Need and Small Overall Portion Essay Managing change in an environment where the specifications originate outside the enterprise provides a unique set of challenges. This is the scenario for companies serving the engineered to order (ETO) marketplace. Communicating and tracking changes throughout the project’s life-cycle is critical to ensuring the solution meets the needs of the customer and is profitable for the supplier. The change can originate from multiple locations and at any time in the project. Changes initiated during the quote cycle will need a method for quick response so that the quote will reflect the request. Changes received after the order has been processed will need a method of review that will include costs and resource impacts. One of the more challenging aspects of managing change for the ETO enterprise is the approval path for changes received after the order has been received. Sales will often push the change order through declaring that the proposed changes are within scope and should be â€Å"easy enough to do†. Or my personal favorite â€Å"can’t you just†. The decision on whether or not to accept the change needs to be a deliberate one. The change needs to be reviewed within the context and scope of the project by all functions that could possibly be affected. For most organizations this will cause significant delays, making schedule attainment nearly impossible. Instead the effects are dealt with as the project progresses, requiring huge effort to meet the demands of the schedule. The net effect is the amount of time and resources needed to complete the project will balloon. This will impact not only the project of immediate concern, but all other projects as well. For a large number of businesses their ETO business represents a small overall portion of their total units sold. However that portion of the business often utilizes a disproportionate amount of the overall

Monday, October 21, 2019

Language as a Peculiarity of Human Geography within the Globalization

Language as a Peculiarity of Human Geography within the Globalization Human geography regularly referred as the cultural geography encompasses all the human aspects of why certain things happen in certain places. These human aspects may involve demographics, farming, health, culture and industry. Human geography shows the interaction of human beings with their habitats and resources and the outcome of their lifestyles due to this interactions and relationships.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language as a Peculiarity of Human Geography within the Globalization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The process of globalization as an aspect of human geography influences all elements of the social relationships such as policies in trade, counties’ development, attitude to the climate change and the use of resources (Agnew 1996, p.26). The present essay analyses the language as a peculiarity of human geography. Obviously, the process of globalization influences the current position of t he languages, when the weak one can be lost due to the high level of English language’s integration. Globalization is one of the major aspects of human geography. In globalization, one can discuss economy, finance, culture, consumption, emerging communication trends and religion. However, this process has its benefits and its effects. On one hand, globalization is the central issue in the world today. This can be illustrated by the emerging business trends globally, for example, the use of the internet to advertise and make sale of goods and services. On the other hand, globalization has affected the economies of various countries, whereby, some countries brain wash others so as to exploit their resources and benefit themselves and their citizens financially. Moreover, globalization has brought heated debates on whether it is more beneficial or hazardous (Aitken 2006, p.10). In case of language, globalization also has its good and bad sides. As the ethnographic setting, langu age is closely related to the social processes within its nation or country. Therefore, the survival of language is depended on the other human sources (â€Å"Language and Globalization†). Today, we can be a witness of the competition between the instruments with the same characteristics and functions. All languages serve for the population of speakers. Naturally, English has more benefits of globalization than other world languages. It is the result of the current world economical and political development. English affects all relevant parts of the modern society (â€Å"Language and Globalization†). The increasing use of this language in the business and education demonstrates a confident progress. However, we should not forget about the other widely distributed languages. Thus, the continental European languages still show its vitality and functionality. The official meetings of the European Union do not use one official language. It is wrong to suppose that English can be considered as the possible official language within the European Union.Advertising Looking for essay on geography? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Although the current world political and social situation demonstrates the tendency of linguistic unification, an example of multilingual Switzerland can be explored from the position of the linguistic cooperation and integration within a domestic area. In this country, the major and minor languages’ speakers have the same rights and responses. Country has four official languages such as German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Moreover, the last one is a language of the absolute minority of the citizens. However, it is defended by government as well as the most popular German. Therefore, Switzerland solved the problem of language’s separation and provided the same rights to its population. It is the most systematic solution that allows save the territori al integrity. The Swiss example can be used by all other countries. Thus, Canada has a bilingual model that includes English and French as the official languages. However, the current situation demonstrates the dominant position of English. Only the local government of Quebec provided the strict laws that indicate the official status of French language. It is obvious that globalization is a cause of weak and powerful languages to be in contact. Weak languages today are in a high risk due to the possibility of its lost. The governments have to provide an adequate policy that can help protecting the national language and developing it. However, as it was mentioned before, globalization is very strong process that involves many parts of social organization. Even if the national counties provide some defensive strategies, it is very difficult to get the positive effects. There are other three major socio-cultural manifestations of globalization, namely: information services, news operat ions and social civilization (Fellmann 1997, p.19). In the past two decades, the use of computers has spread globally in conjunction with the use of electronic mails and social networks through the internet. This has helped people from different regions of the world to share and communicate their opinions on diverse issues that affect their lives. However, this form of technology is only beneficiary to the illiterate and to people who can afford it (Becker 1993, p.23). Spreading of Internet only intensify the process of cultural unification. In conclusion, globalization trends rise as communities revolutionize. However, its supersonic rise can be beneficial or hazardous to a society. The process of globalization leads to the irreversible process and, as the result, some weak languages can be lost, while English becomes an official international language.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Language as a Peculiarity of Human Geography within the Globalization sp ecifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Agnew, John A, David N. Livingstone, and Alisdair Rogers. Human Geography: An Essential Anthology. Oxford, OX, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1996. Print. Aitken, Stuart C. Approaches to Human Geography. London: SAGE, 2006. Print. Becker, A. Steele, and Harm J. Blij. Study Guide to Accompany Human Geography, Culture, Society, and Space. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 1993. Print. Fellmann, Jerome Donald, and Arthur Getis. Human Geography: landscapes of Human Activities. 5th ed. Madison, WI: Brown Benchmark Publishers, 1997. Print. â€Å"Language and Globalization†. humanities.uchicago, n.d. Web.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Habits and Traits of Luna Moth, Actias luna

Habits and Traits of Luna Moth, Actias luna Although its colorful and large, this is no butterfly! The luna moth (Actias luna) is a giant silkworm moth, and although common throughout most of its range, its still a thrill to find one. What Do Luna Moths Look Like? The name luna means moon, apparently a reference to the moon-like eyespots on its wings. Theyre sometimes called moon moths, or American moon moths. These night-flying moths are also most active when the moon is high in the sky, so the name is doubly apropos. Luna moths are strongly attracted to lights, so you may see them flying around your porchlight during their breeding season (spring to early summer in the northern part of its range). When the sun rises, they often come to rest nearby, so look for them around your home in the morning. Both male and female luna moths are pale green, with long, curving tails trailing from their hindwings and light eyespots on each wing. Early season broods in the south will be darker in color, with an outer margin marked in deep pink to brown. Later southern broods and all northern broods tend to be paler in color, with an almost yellow outer margin. Males can be differentiated from females by their prominent, feathery antennae. Luna moth caterpillars are lime green with magenta spots and sparse hairs, and a pale stripe running lengthwise just below the spiracles. They reach a length of 2.5 inches (65 mm) in their final instar. How Are Luna Moths Classified? Kingdom - AnimaliaPhylum - ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – LepidopteraFamily - SaturniidaeGenus – ActiasSpecies - luna What Do Luna Moths Eat? Luna moth caterpillars feed on the foliage of a variety of host trees and shrubs, including walnut, hickory, sweetgum, persimmon, sumac, and white birch. Adult luna moths live only a few days, just long enough to find a mate and reproduce. Because they dont feed as adults, they lack a proboscis. The Luna Moth Life Cycle The luna moth undergoes complete metamorphosis with four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. After mating, the female luna moth oviposits on leaves of the host plant. She may produce as many as 200 eggs in total. The eggs hatch in about one week. Luna moth caterpillars feed and molt through five instars in 3-4 weeks. Once its ready to pupate, the caterpillar constructs a simple cocoon of leaves. The pupal stage lasts about 3 weeks in warmer climates. The luna moth will overwinter in this stage in colder regions, usually hidden under the leaf litter near the host tree. The luna moth usually emerges from its cocoon in the morning, and is ready to fly by evening. As adults, luna moths live just one week or less. Interesting Behaviors of Luna Moths Luna moth caterpillars employ several defensive strategies to fend off predators. First, their coloration is cryptic, so they blend in with the foliage on the host tree and make it difficult for predators to see them. Should a bird or other predator approach, they will often rear up and attempt to scare the attacker away. When that doesnt work, the luna moth caterpillar may snap its mandibles to make a clicking sound, thought to be a warning of whats coming – vomit. Luna moth caterpillars will regurgitate a foul-tasting liquid to convince potential predators that they are not at all tasty. Adult luna moths find their mates using sex pheromones. The female produces the pheromone to invite males to mate with her. Males will travel considerable distances to locate a receptive female, and mating typically occurs in the hours just after midnight. Where Do Luna Moths Live? Luna moths are found in and near deciduous hardwood forests in eastern North America. Their range extends from Canada south to Texas and Florida. Sources:Â   Actias luna – Luna Moth, Accessed online July 21, 2014.Luna Moth, Butterflies and Moths of North America website. Accessed online July 21, 2014.Luna Moth, Actias luna, University of Florida Dept. of Entomology website. Accessed online July 21, 2014.Luna Moth, Clemson University Dept. of Entomology website. Accessed online July 21, 2014.Caterpillars of Eastern North America, by David L. Wagner.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Movie Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assignment - Movie Review Example Along with the successful casting, the script and the direction are the other main features of The Cooler, the first feature directed by Wayne Kramer. Whereas the setting of the movie is generally weary and familiar, the movie cannot be considered as ordinary thing, thanks mainly to the quality of the acting and the skillful direction and scriptwriting. â€Å"The script and the direction are skillful, if occasionally gimmicky†¦ Luckily this picture is rescued from cliche by the quality of the acting, and Mr. Kramer wisely gives the actors room to work.† (Scott) Therefore, it is important to recognize that the quality of the acting and the skillful direction and scriptwriting are the basic factors that contribute to the wide acceptance of the movie The Cooler, although there is a view that the movie is unattractive and having nothing motivating or revelatory about it. In a careful observation and review of the film, it becomes lucid to the viewer that The Cooler incorporat es several ingredients of a typical drama film, and the director is satisfied to recycle familiar elements of movie-making, especially with regard to setting and story lines.

Individualized Education Policy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Individualized Education Policy - Case Study Example This study highlights that the quantity and quality of the information must be sufficient to sustain evidence against the teacher regarding discrimination. Formal report will be prepared concerning Joseph’s IEP implementation. Actions that can be taken in this case according to the district policy include placement on administrative leave. A formal letter of reprimand will be placed in the teachers’ file. From this paper it is clear that in determining the potential punishments, attendants in the meeting will include ARD committee members, Joseph’s parents, special education teacher, general education teacher, technology and career teacher, an administrator, school psychologist, Joseph’s case manager and any other person the parents feel should be present. The ARD will determine the outburst by Joseph was caused by disability. If there is no relationship between the behavior and disability, he will be disciplined as a non-special education student.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Imaginary company's acquisition Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Imaginary company's acquisition - Assignment Example The acquisition represents a main source of change for Strawn Services because it shows the organization’s desire to change in order to survive and even prosper (DePamphilis, 2011). To carry out a successful acquisition, proper planning remains an essential aspect because it involves identifying the best features that both companies can contribute in generating a culture for the new company. Currently, worldwide competition and the desire to influence advantage propel organizations to combine resources through acquisition and mergers. Nevertheless, although acquisition may be propelled by various requirements, the main objective entails increasing their size as well as the capacity to grow. Efficiency in function is essential in promoting survival and sustainability, which drives the search for ways of extracting optimal profitability making acquisitions and mergers viable options as indicated by Strawn Services. In overcoming challenges, Strawn Services in its merger tries to exploit synergies that exist between the two organizations resulting in sharing of management expertise and increasing the financial base thaw old allow the organization to access additio nal capital resources (DePamphilis,

Financial Conservatism. Determinants of cash and leverage conservatism Dissertation

Financial Conservatism. Determinants of cash and leverage conservatism in USA firms - Dissertation Example Microsoft, Exxon, Apple are all examples of non-financial firms that have held huge stockpiles of cash1. According to a recent San Francisco Chronicle report, Apple reportedly has a stockpile of $137 Billion, and the company justifies this by saying that it is â€Å"preserving its options†2. In financial literature, a firm which holds more cash reserves or lower leverage than is optimal according to capital structure is known to be financially conservative. To avoid having to depend on costly external sources of debt, having spare debt capacities by maintaining low liabilities to total asset ratios is important. Also for the same reason, retaining adequate cash reserves is also important. From 1980 to 2004, the average cash-to-asset ratio for industrial US firms has increased by 129 percent. During the same time period, net debt for these firms has fallen substantially (Bates et al, 2009). Therefore, on average these firms seem to have adopted more financially conservative pra ctices in both senses by reducing leverage and increasing cash holdings simultaneously. However, much of the reduction in net debt is attributed to higher cash holdings rather than any reduction in liabilities. In general financial conservatism has become a very relevant topic of study in this backdrop. In this context, this paper studies the characteristics of financially conservative firms. The main objective is to see whether financially conservative practices can protect firms from being distressed and what effects the financial crisis had on financially conservative practices. Barring Iona, Leonida and Ozkan (2004), Prior research has focused on analysing conservative behaviour of firms from either the perspective of holding excessively high cash balances or from the perspective of maintaining lower than optimal leverage levels. Iona, Leonida and Ozkan (2004) look at non-financial financially conservative UK firms that adopt both these practices simultaneously. No work prior wo rk has examined the coexistence of both cash conservative and leverage conservative practices for US firms. Using a large sample of industrial US firms over the period of 2002-2011, I enquire into the nature of financial conservatism. Since a firm is financially conservative if it is conservative in terms of holding extra cash reserves as well as maintaining low leverage, I start off by looking at the determinants of cash conservativeness and the determinants of leverage conservativeness. Then I look at what are the important characteristics of firms that contribute to making its financial practices conservative in general. In particular, I ask, what factors influence the probability of a firm being both cash and leverage conservative at the same time. After determining the important factors, I turn to the critical question of how financial conservatism affects the probability of a firm being financially distressed. The major contributions of this paper are twofold: first, extending the literature on conservative firms which adopt both cash and leverage conservatism simultaneously and second, applying the theory of jointly cash and leverage conservative practices to characterize conservative US firms which have not been examined in literature at all. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II presents a review of the relevant literature. This section lays out the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

M&M chocolate candy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

M&M chocolate candy - Essay Example The organization is well known for its confectionary brands like Mars bars, M&M’s, Milky Way bars, Snickers, Skittles, and Twix. Currently, the M&M’s chocolate candy is sold in over 100 countries worldwide. The most catching feature of this product is that its unique taste is appealable to people belonging to all age groups. The corporate principle of manufacturing chocolate products in domestic markets reduces the operational efficiency of the organization. In addition, the company is exposed to FDA regulations as it operates in the consumer foods industry. The strong global presence and high brand recognition are the major strengths of the company whereas expensive marketing campaigns seem to be a weakness of the business. Currently, M&M’s adopts a competitive pricing strategy because the product has been on the market for decades and there are numerous close substitutes for this product. Global market expansion, increased focus on social media promotion, and effective brand establishment are some of the marketing objectives identified for the M&M’s over the coming years. The organization is advised to rely mainly on direct and retail marketing channels to accomplish the marketing objectives proposed. The direct marketing channel strategy can benefit the organization to generate more sales through its website and to offer cheaper rates to end consumers. However, the business concern may also depend on other marketing channel strategies like advertising, sales promotion, and e-mail marketing that can increase its sales vol ume and meet marketing objectives.

To rectify gaps and weaknesses in the current situation regarding Article

To rectify gaps and weaknesses in the current situation regarding abuse and exploitation of domestic maids in Singapore - Article Example In severe cases, some maids have been sexually exploited, tortured and even killed. Human rights watch, the government and other concerned organisation have of late noted the human rights abuse that domestic maids have been exposed to in Singapore, with a large number of maids being immigrants the existing laws and regulation has done little to protect their rights as human beings and foreign employees (Tsai, 2008). So far there are a number of policies that are being undertaken to rectify the gaps that have existed in the upholding of the rights of house maids. A national campaign by UNIFEM Singapore, Transient Workers count Too, Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics is being carried out to push for a day off for the maids. Although the Singapore government as a member of the ASEAN body claims to be protecting the rights of human beings, the Manpower ministry which is part of the government has consistently refused to implement the law to protect immigrant domestic worke rs.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

M&M chocolate candy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

M&M chocolate candy - Essay Example The organization is well known for its confectionary brands like Mars bars, M&M’s, Milky Way bars, Snickers, Skittles, and Twix. Currently, the M&M’s chocolate candy is sold in over 100 countries worldwide. The most catching feature of this product is that its unique taste is appealable to people belonging to all age groups. The corporate principle of manufacturing chocolate products in domestic markets reduces the operational efficiency of the organization. In addition, the company is exposed to FDA regulations as it operates in the consumer foods industry. The strong global presence and high brand recognition are the major strengths of the company whereas expensive marketing campaigns seem to be a weakness of the business. Currently, M&M’s adopts a competitive pricing strategy because the product has been on the market for decades and there are numerous close substitutes for this product. Global market expansion, increased focus on social media promotion, and effective brand establishment are some of the marketing objectives identified for the M&M’s over the coming years. The organization is advised to rely mainly on direct and retail marketing channels to accomplish the marketing objectives proposed. The direct marketing channel strategy can benefit the organization to generate more sales through its website and to offer cheaper rates to end consumers. However, the business concern may also depend on other marketing channel strategies like advertising, sales promotion, and e-mail marketing that can increase its sales vol ume and meet marketing objectives.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legal Aspects of Nursing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Legal Aspects of Nursing - Case Study Example In this case, the patients and the unit staff ought to relate freely in absentia of retaliation. The deprivation of the direct care and attention towards Mr Garcia violated this principle. Consequently, his wife had a retaliatory relationship with the staff in the nursing unit. The dishonor of this principle was also in the deprivation of direct attention that enhanced distance and retaliation within Mr Garcia. Evidently, the Respective Relations principle was involved in Mr Garcia’s case. Medical necessity was an additional principle involved in Mr Garcia’s case. This principle requires a prudent physician to deliver prevention, diagnosis, or treatment to the patient (American Medical Association, 2010). In this case, Medical care is a basic necessity (Youngberg, 2013). It is not an optional consideration. Evidently, the physicians deprived Mr Garcia direct medical attention. This is a violation of the Medical necessity principle. Honoring this principle would entail direct and affectionate attention towards Mr Garcia at the soft restraints. In his situation, measures of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment were not adequately established. Therefore, they deprived Mr Garcia his basic right as a patient. Apparently, it was a major violation of the Medical necessity principle. Administrative simplification is a principle that is involved in this case. This principle advocates for disintegration within the complex and confusing roles and communications. It implicates that there ought to be a congruent assignment of roles, and a clear communication strategy (American Medical Association, 2010). Shared governance would propel the visions and objectives of this principle. In this case, every staff member would feel accountable to handle a patient (Youngberg, 2013). Honoring this principle would require the nurses to uphold authority and attend to Mr Garcia maximally. The nurses in Garcia’s case violated

Monday, October 14, 2019

Friendships in Of Mice and Men Essay Example for Free

Friendships in Of Mice and Men Essay Throughout life, one establishes friendships to better ensure their future. The novel Of Mice And Men, written by John Steinbeck, is about a group of traveling labor workers and the hardships that they overcome. The friendship between George, one of the main characters, and Lenny, a retarded man and of Candy, a crippled man, and his old dog, although different, they each share many of the same feelings toward each other. Also, by establishing these friendships, each partner is benefited and is given life motivation. However, all good things must come to an end, and when each partner is separated from their companion, their significant bonds are broken. Because of their established friendships, George, Lenny, Candy and his dog are able to live happy lives filled with joyous and exciting times. Throughout the book, many feelings are expressed between the relationship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog. Ever since they had lived together, George and Lenny loved and cared for each other every waiting day. Because [they] [had] each other, George and Lenny became more loving and compassionate, not just towards themselves, but also towards others (104). Unlike the other traveling workers who journeyed alone, George and Lenny were together, fighting off the hardships of The Great Depression with a loving relationship. This bond kept each others hearts pure and refrained them from turning bitter. Ever since Candys dog was a puppy, he and Candy had shared a trustworthy connection filled with loyalty for each other. In Candys younger years of life, when his partner was a good sheep dog, they had started a trusting relationship, which they carried out throughout the rest of their lives (24). Since Candy had his pup ever since it was born, Candy was its only master. Because canines are extremely loyal to their master, this loyal bond was able to flourish. Finally, because Lenny has been with George all his life, he feels a bond of trust between them and is completely loyal to George. During their early years, when George wasnt so kind to Lenny, he could have told Lenny to walk over a cliff and over hed go (40). Although George never did something this cruel, he did do some grueling things. He even got Lenny into fights. However, as time went on, he too became loyal and a trusting relationship grew. Even though these partners are very different, they still share many of the same feelings towards each other. In the relationship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog, each partner gains something and this is the motivation for the friendship. Because of Lennys mental state, as he travels with, and becomes friends with, George, he benefits by having a guardian to follow him around and keep him safe. Ever since they were young, Lenny just come along with George, and from that day forward he benefited from Georges safety (40). Lenny is retarded and his mind cannot process enough useful information to allow him to live a successful life, contributing to society. If George had not allowed Lenny to travel with him then Lenny would either end up homeless, in prison, or dead. In addition, because Candys dog is now useless, he benefits off Candy by receiving a guardian to protect him and guide him through the rest of his life. Although he had been an excellent canine in his day, because he aint no good to anyone now, his life would be futile if he did not have a guide for his remaining years. However, Candy did not care for him entirely out of kindness, he too benefits from their relationship. Because Candy is a cripple, he wants to feel like he is needed, and having someone that depends on him, allows Candy to live a joyous life. Although Lenny does not have much to give, George still benefits off their friendship by receiving a loyal companion to accompany him on his journeys. Because [they] travel together, George does not have to be burdened with the loneliness that could drive a man insane. George observes the other traveling labor workers become hard and lonely because they have nobody to converse with on their journeys. Although he benefits from their relationship, George pays dearly with his guardianship over Lenny. By establishing these relationships, each partner is benefited and given life motiv ation. Both the friendship of George and Lenny and of Candy and his dog lose their significant bonds when the partners are separated. Because Candy and his dog provide companionship for each other, when his dog dies Candy is left alone and unstable. Once his dog had been put up for the death sentence, Candy was left alone, pondering their wonderful memories together as he lied rigidly on his bed and stared at the ceiling (48). Candys purpose in life was now over, for he had no one that depended on him. Now the only thing that drove  him was the hope that Georges dream would come true, and that George, Lenny and he would get their own little plot of land. After George kills Lenny, although this was an act of kindness, George loses his purpose as a guardian. After he had pulled the trigger, George shivered and looked at the gun, for he knew that his guardianship was now over (106). George understood that it was his responsibility to kill Lenny. Although this act of kindness will burden him for the rest of his life, George still did the honorable thing. When Lenny died, George loses his dream of having a place of their own. By now, the dream had spread to more than just George and Lenny and when Lenny and their little place die away George becomes miserable and hurt (94). The time that followed this tragedy was the first time of Georges adult life with out Lenny. Also, up till now Georges purpose in life was to care for, and keep Lenny safe. With Lenny dead, George feels that his life had no purpose, for he could not keep Lenny from dangers grasp. When each friendship becomes separated, the still living partner feels no more purpose for life. Because of their established friendships, George, Lenny, Candy and his dog are able to live happy, joy filled lives as they overcome the hardships of The Great Depression. Although their significant bonds are broken when the partners are separated, when they are together, the partners benefit and share many feelings towards each other. Some say opposites attract, and buy using this scientific law to create friendships with different people; our society would be a friendlier and overall better place. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck New York : Covici-Friede, 1937

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Chances of Winning the Lottery

Chances of Winning the Lottery Introduction Ive already won a hundred dollars in the state lottery, and hardly anyone wins that much twice. So, Im not likely to win that much again. This statement has been said by numerous people who has played the lottery and those who continues to play the lottery seeking a chance to become an instant winner for money that on just dreams about on a daily basis. To break it down, the chances of winning thee Lotto jackpot are roughly 1 in 3.5 million, or that the overall chances of winning any prize in the Lotto games are about 1 in 20. So why do people all over the world play the Lotto? When it comes to the Lotto it comes down to luck, it is nice when a person wins money playing the Lottery and the ore a person plays the better the odds for them, so technically there is a chance to win money twice buy playing the Lottery. In 2014 people in 44 states spent about 70 billion dollars playing the Lotto, so it is safe to say that someone within those 44 states hit some type of Lotto money twice no matter how small or large the amount was. In March 2014, The Palm Beach Post newspaper revealed that serial Florida jackpot winners, many of them store owners or operators, defied incredible odds to claim thousands of dollars in winnings. The most prolific winners cashed in tickets worth $600 or more every 11 days. [March 2017, Jeffrey Stinson]. Just from this statement alone we can pretty much say that there is a good chance to win some type of Lotto money twice especially if you are a serial Lotto player like the people in Florida. Four people who won two or more lotteries. Steven Ontell (right) of New Jersey; Melvyn Wilson, a four-time winner in Virginia; Connie Cottingham, who won twice in Indiana; and Delma Kinney, who won $1 million twice in Georgia. None of them won nearly as much as Joan Ginther, who won $5.4 million, $2 million, $3 million and $10 million in Texas. [ 2014, Peter Mucha]. There are many stories about how many people have won the Lotto twice and more. It makes you wonder how is this happening when there are people how has played the Lotto all their life and has not won at all. If a person has won a hundred dollars in the state Lottery after reading about the people in this paper who has won big money twice, I think the odds are good for a person to win the state Lotto for a hundred dollars a second time. Lottery history is full of mind-boggling examples of winners winning again. Thats one reason the Texas Lottery never investigated Joan Ginther, who won $5.4 million in a 1993 Lotto Texas drawing and then hit it big in three scratch-off games, $2 million in Holiday Millionaire in 2006, $3 million in Millions Millions in 2008, and $10 million in $140,000,000 Extreme Payoff in 2010. Still, the $20.4 million she won tops not only cases involving seemingly normal players, it even beats examples involving crooks or master mathematicians. An MIT group, for example, mined the Massachusetts lottery for seven years, and reportedly won $3.5 million. [ 2014, Peter Mucha]. This kind of make you wonder if a person can be this lucky, or is there so type of criminal activity that happen, and at the end of the day is the Lottery crooked. The evidence clearly proves that people can and will continue to win the Lotto multiple times throughout the United States. Questions will continue to rise are people just that lucky, is there Lotto scams through the States and why is playing the Lottery so addictive to so many people. No matter what there will always be a difference in opinion when it comes to this topic between the so, called experts. Conclusion The question at the end of the day will continue to be argued even though there seems to be overwhelming proof that a person can win the Lotto multiple times in ones life. There are some people in the world that could care less about the argument or debate but for the millions or even billions of people who plays the Lotto on a daily basis trying to become rich quick by either scratching or playing different numbers will continue to play. So, to the person who won a hundred dollars in the State Lottery, and hardly thinks anyone wins that much twice, and thinks he/she will not win that much again. Please read the stories of people who have broken all the odds win it comes to the Lotto. References Some Lottery Retailers Beat the Odds and Cost States (January 27, 2015 By Jeffrey Stinson)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mozart Essay -- essays research papers

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart This paper discusses Mozart's life, his compositions and his importance to the world and the world of music. It explains how Mozart's music is still some of the most popular classical music played today and his life is still studied because his music is so well known and liked. An Austrian composer and performer who showed astonishing precocity as a child and was an adult virtuoso, musical genius Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born to Leopold Mozart and Anna Maria Pertl in Salzburg, Austria on January 27, 1756. Leopold Mozart was a successful composer and violinist and served as assistant concertmaster at the Salzburg court. Mozart and his older sister Maria Anna "Nannerl" were the couple's only surviving children and their musical education began at a very young age. The archbishop of the Salzburg court, Sigismund von Schrattenbach was very supportive of the Mozart children's remarkable activities. By the time Mozart was five years old, he began composing minuets. The next year, he and his sister were taken to Munich and Vienna to play a series of concert tours. Both children played the harpsichord, but Mozart had also mastered the violin. In 1763, when Mozart was seven years old, his father took leave of his position at the Salzburg court to take the family on an extended concert tour of western Europe. Mozart and his sister performed in the major musical centers, including Stuttgart, Mannheim, Mainz, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris, London, and Amsterdam. They did not return to Salzburg until 1766. During this time, Mozart continued to compose, completing his first symphony at age nine and publishing his first sonatas the same year. Leopold soon realized that he could make a substantial income by showcasing his son as a Wunderkind in the courts of Europe. Maria Anna was a talented pianist, and Mozart wrote a number of piano pieces, in particular duets and pieces for two pianos, to play with her. On one occasion when Mozart became ill, Leopold expressed more concern over the loss of income than over Mozart himself. The cold weather and constant travel may have contributed to his later illness. After spending less than a year in Salzburg, the family again departed for Vienna, where Mozart completed his first opera La finta semplice in 1768. Much to Leopold's frustration, the opera was not per... ... concertos, 23 string quartets, 35 violin sonatas, and more than 50 symphonies. Major composers since Mozart's time have worshipped or been in awe of Mozart. Beethoven told his pupil Ries that he (Beethoven) would never be able to think of a melody as great as that of the first movement of Mozart's 24th piano concerto, and did Mozart homage by writing variations on his themes (such as the two sets of Variations for Cello and Piano on themes from Mozart's Magic Flute) and cadenzas to several of the piano concerti, most notably the Concerto No. 20 (K. 466). (After their only meeting, Mozart noted that Beethoven would "give the world something to talk about.") Tchaikovsky wrote his Mozartiana in praise of him; and Mahler died with "Mozart" the last word on his lips. The music critic James Svejda, when filling out a job application that asked for his religion, entered "Mozart". Summary: His Christian name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. His progress as a composer was amazing; by the age of 13 he had written concertos, sonatas, symphonies, a German operetta, Bastien und Bastienne, and an Italian opera buffa, La finta semplice

Friday, October 11, 2019

Examine the language Essay

A soliloquy is during a play when an actor will speak his/her thoughts out loud to the audience. The actor will usually stand-alone on stage but if another actor is on stage they will go on with what they are doing. The purpose of a soliloquy is to help the audience understand the imagery. Shakespeare used soliloquies for the audience due to them going to listen to a play instead of watching it as we do today. Throughout the play Shakespeare’s soliloquies are full of contrasting images. These images mostly are contrasting themes from the play, in this case Love which is Romeo & Juliet’s love for each other, Hate between the families of Montague’s & Capulet, Violence fighting between families, Young Ideas which is Romeo & Juliet want to marry for love and not suitors chosen by their parents, Traditional Values the arranged marriages. In the soliloquy beginning † Well Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night. † Romeo describes death. Romeo describes that he wants to join Juliet in death. The imagery created by Shakespeare is revolting during this soliloquy. There is a large contrast from the middle and near the end of the soliloquy. Romeo goes and bys poison from the apothecary. An apothecary is like a morgue. This image of death describes and implicates the theme of death running through the play. There is a large similarity between the soliloquy starting â€Å"Well Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night† and â€Å"Villain and he be miles asunder. † It is in â€Å"Villain and he be miles asunder† Juliet show to her family that she is upset over the death of her cousin Tybalt due to Romeo killing him, but infact she is more upset due to Romeo being banished from Verona. And in â€Å"Well Juliet, I will lie with thee to-night† Romeo is very upset due to him thinking Juliet is dead. This is dramatic irony because the audience know that she is not dead. This Make it standout how important love is in the play. In the soliloquy â€Å"My only love, sprung from my only hate† is a common soliloquy for the rhyming couplet. A rhyming couplet is when the last two words in each line rhyme. This Happen in this soliloquy. In this soliloquy Juliet says, â€Å"My only love, sprung from my only hate† What she means is that Romeo is a Montague and she is a Capulet. There has been a grudge between the two families for years. Juliet means she loves a member of the Montague family, which is supposed to be her enemy. In most of the soliloquies there is a lot of reparation. One example is Juliet says before she drinks the friar’s potion, â€Å"dash out my desperate brains† and then Romeo talks of â€Å"desperate men†. The reparation shows how desperate the situation is in their lives. In the last scene in of the play there are 2 touching soliloquies. The main one is from Romeo. He starts â€Å"how oft when men are at the point of death† He is talking about the meaning of death parting lovers in this soliloquy. The other is from Juliet saying about Romeo being taken from her. so she takes his dagger so she can join he love in heaven.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Definition of Statehood

Before diving into the question of this essay, one that looks simple on the surface but reveals itself to be as complicated as it is deep, I found myself asking how we define â€Å"statehood†. It’s all good and well to say that the state is a contested organisation, but when the idea of what exactly a state is comes into it, that statement becomes all the less clear. By definition a nation state is a state/country that possesses clear borders and land, and contains mostly the same type of people by either race or cultural background. ttp://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/467746/political-system/36702/National-political-systems? anchor=ref416908 Yet some states have numerous ethnicities, Nigeria for example has been calculated to have over two hundred culturally distinct groups, even Gambia, whose population numbers about half a million people, has eight distinct ethnic groups (Hughes 1981: 122). Then again, these are both countries that are considered as â€Å"fai led states†, something I will return to later on.According to Philip Cerny, statehood is the capacity to guard the social, economic and political life of its people and also to protect them from external threats and predators. He then goes on to say that states regularly fail at one of these tasks, often not doing well at both at the same time. Statehood, according to Cerny, is the â€Å"problematique of the modern world system itself†. Why? Why are nation states so bad at doing what they say on the tin? Surely it can’t be that hard to defend one’s people and at the same time give them basic needs such as employment, welfare and education.Of course, the world isn’t a perfect place, and we have yet to reach the utopia dreamt of by our grandparents, but really does everything have to be so terrible? To be fair Cerny does give a good argument against that, and provides much evidence to show that the state is indeed a contested organisation. He argues t hat â€Å"future structural organisational developments will depend on the kinds of political coalitions that can be built to confront and deal with those challenges†, especially those involving cross-border networks.In that case the result is likely to be a more complex form of world politics that is not only multi-level but also multi-nodal. Cerny makes a clear statement that the ideal states are â€Å"organisationally distinct from families, churches, classes, races, economic institutions† and also non-state political organisations. He then simplifies that claim that the state is a contested organisation by breaking it down into 3 sections: economically, socially and politically. First we will look at each of these individually and examine that statement.Of the three, the most interesting to me was his ascertain that the state is an economically contested organisation. Cerny says that states are organised through relationships of power, but they are also bound to th e ideals of fairness and justice. Economic groups such as corporations and markets however, are not. They revolve around a principle of profit and aren’t shackled by the same need to be ‘nice’ that states are. One can go so far as to say that Cerny is nearly directly addressing the issue of globalisation without ever saying the word.Take big companies such as Coca Cola or McDonalds, while they give a consumer-friendly image and do help communities with various projects, at the end of the day they are 100% profit driven and if circumstances dictated that they must drop half their workforce to save costs, you can be sure that they would. Globalisation has meant that corporations no longer operate within borders, and for the most part are free to trade as they please. That some of these firms make more money than the Irish state is a very scary thought indeed. It is an invasive and destabilizing phenomenon that states must contest with.Not only does it signal height ened interconnectedness, but it encroaches into those formal-legal aspects of sovereignty that secure or tie down authority in the first instance, and benefit from it in the second. In other words, â€Å"the transnational connections inherent in globalisation are significant on a qualitative as well as a quantitative level. But what new patterns of authority are emerging here? † (Williams 1996: 118) It is said of sovereignty that there is plenty of it around, but that as a result of globalisation â€Å"the sites for its concentration have changed. According to this argument states are being forced to concede certain of their sovereign powers to regional, transnational or world bodies on one hand, and to local and other sub-national institutions on the other. On a side note while on the point of globalisation, though Cerny doesn’t explore the idea it is also worth mentioning the globalisation of military power as it contests with every state organisation. Advanced nucl ear weapons systems can now operate worldwide, for they can deliver their payloads to any place at all on the planet, and do so within a very short time.They are thus capable of making the whole earth uninhabitable, and of threatening the very survival of the all states, whether they wish it or not (Poggi 1990: 177). You really can’t get much more global than that. The next area we will examine is Cerny’s claim that the state is a socially contested organisation. According to him states â€Å"are not natural, spontaneous emanations† from a â€Å"taken for granted, pre-existing society, people, or public†, they are made up from real people who base them on a range of often divided groups such as class, ethnicity, religion and ideology to name a few.People who are born in to this nation state may not always agree with or like the way things are and can find themselves caught in conflicts of identity, and the state finds itself constantly at odds with those who feel socially indoctrinated with the rules, power structures and policies of that state. As Cerny says, â€Å"citizens are made, not born†. Another big social contender is the internet, any one person can simply log on to Facebook (or other social networking sites) and instantly connect with people all over the world, again ignoring state boundaries.The final point that is discussed is that the state is a politically contested organisation. This can nearly go without saying, as there isn’t a state in the world that hasn’t been challenged politically at one stage or another. This happens on all ends of the scale, from as Cerny puts it: â€Å"absolutist monarchs and national revolutionaries to various bureaucrats, officials, patrons and clients†. He even goes on to mention religious movements and criminal gangs.It is important to note that the organisational strengths that Cerny mentions, whether they be rooted in widely accepted social identities or bo nds, or that they have power internationally, need not only apply to Westphalian states (and indeed many of those ‘official’ states are weak on those levels). Take certain groups such as Hezbollah or the IRA for example, upon looking past the fact that they are viewed by some as terrorist organisations (although most European countries have refused to classify Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation [http://www. digitalnpq. org/archive/2009_summer/03_qassem. tml]), these groups often take on the state roles for the people they claim to serve. Hezbollah is a major provider of social services, operating schools, hospitals, and agricultural services for thousands and playing a significant part in Lebanese politics. [http://www. cfr. org/publication/9155/hezbollah_aka_hizbollah_hizbullah. html? breadcrumb=/]. Likewise the IRA are renowned for looking after their own, be it ensuring the well being of prisoner families or upholding the law (or at least a version of it), in area s where traditional state politics have failed.Going back now to the other two headings for the contested state, economically and politically, and applying them to the state â€Å"alternatives† I mentioned above, it is hard to understand why Cerny didn’t do the same. One can not simply draw a line in the sand and say that all the ones over here (those of the Westphalia type) are states, and those over there are not. There are many similarities to be found on both sides. These groups also find themselves to be contested organisations.Yes it can be argued that economically, Hezbollah only functions because the nation states of Iran and Syria support them, but the same was also said of the peripheral state of Cuba when it was funded by the USSR (Giddens 1985: 269). In the north the IRA have succeeded in many social areas that the government have not, giving identity, protection and services to a select group of people who otherwise feel abandoned by a system that is suppo sed to do the same. The downfall of these groups is that their (occasional) focus on fighting and violence only serves to detract from the other areas.Yet returning to Cerny, he raises the point that some find the cost of the US’s war in Iraq (estimated at 2-3 trillion dollars), has prevented it from addressing issues both domestically (health care and employment for example) and abroad (development aid, fighting disease ect). This shows that even the largest of official states can do itself damage by focusing too much on military operations. But what happens when a state can do no more for its people? When it becomes such a contested organisation that it loses physical control of its

Coffee and Starbucks Essay

?Introduction Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee company and coffee house chain headquartered in Seattle, Washingston. Starbucks was founded in 1971, when three academicians, began a specialty coffee store called Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spice in Seattle (Starbucks Corporation, 2009). In 1996, Starbucks operated its first international store expansion in Tokyo, Japan. With current approximately 19,500 stores in 58 countries (Location xcelerated, 2012), Starbucks is quickly becoming one of the best known brands and the largest specialty coffeehouse company in the world. The Market Demand of Coffee. The demand of coffee in the United States has rose 2 percent in 2011(Perez, 2011). Americans drank 77. 4 billion cups of coffee during a year (Perez, 2011). A statistics showed that â€Å"the average consumption among coffee drinkers in the United States is 3. 1 cups of coffee per day† (E-Imports, 2012). With gathering the information and statistics, it has proved the demand of coffee market in the US is extremely high. Also, the coffee market is the potential market for rivals entering into. Hence, Starbucks has to attain strong competitive advantages and market demand with its resources and capabilities. Starbucks’s Resources and Capabilities An organization has the ability to identifying and determining the competitive power of their resources and capabilities to create competitive advantage. Business resources are the productive input or competitive asset that is owned or controlled by the organization (Thompson, 2012). In the case of Starbucks, the resources and capabilities are coffee bean, store ambience, employee culture, and brands and reputations. Coffee Beans Coffee beans are the natural resources of Starbucks. They are one of the most valuable resources for coffee industry. Starbucks was a purveyor of specialty coffee – it has seemed top-notch coffee beans to produce high quality of coffee. High quality of coffee beans was usually sourced directly from coffee-producing countries, for instance Kenya, Guatemala and Indonesia. Starbucks was usually acquired the coffee bean at a premium price for suppliers who suited the Starbucks’ standards, socially and environmentally responsible farming. Starbucks has committed the long term contracts with the supplier in order to protect both party with the price and quality of coffee beans. The Starbucks’s coffee beans provided a sustainable competitive advantage in the face of active competition. It is due to the high quality and premium coffee beans sourced from other country were uncommon and costly to imitate for competitors. Store Design and Ambience Starbucks was positioned as a â€Å"third place† between beyond home and work with the store design and relaxing ambience. The design of store is provided a comfort and relaxing environment for its costumer. Each detail of likes the style of fixtures, the edges of countertops and the texture of slate floors was examined to enhance the unique ambience and mood of the Starbucks store. With blended the colorful banners and artworks, the merchandise displays, the music and the aromas, Starbucks has created an attractive, consistent and stimulating environment that provided comfort of a home for customer, excellent customer service and quality products as the concept of â€Å"third place theme† (Moon & Queich, 2003) cited by (Harveywallbanger, 2012). These elements made the Starbucks experience key in retaining its customers with the competitive advantage and capture new markets. The store design is valuable by providing a third place theme, a relaxing and conform atmosphere. Besides, it was rare design in United States as Starbucks is the first mover to replicate the Italian style coffee store. Competitors are difficult and costly to imitate as the Starbucks has an exclusive In-House architects and designers to ensure the right image and character for each store. Employee Culture A vital dynamic in Starbucks’s growth was the human resources, its employee. Starbucks has provided a great work environment around its employees, one of its most important resources and sources of sustainable competitive advantage (Gates et al. , 2011). Schultz believed that a plentiful employee benefits package was a key competitive advantage. Starbucks was the first company to offer all employees, even part-timer, were qualified to get healthcare benefits, participate in the Bean Stock program for stock option grants. Besides that, Starbucks has offered an extensive training program to each employee that includes a commitment to customer service experience and the knowledge of products (Balaban et al. , n. d). All employees of Starbucks were trained to have good customer experiences for retaining customers. For example, they were trained â€Å"just say yes† to customer requests. Starbucks’ approach towards employees benefited to company has maintained the turnover rate at 60-65 percent, while the other national industry turnover is about 150-400 percent a year. The plentiful employee benefit package provides a sustainable competitive advantage to Starbucks. It is added value to Starbucks because employees will have the better job performance due to the motivation and courage. It was rare as the Starbucks was the first company provided healthcare benefits and stock option plan. And also, it is costly to imitate for Starbucks’s competitors. Brand and Reputation Brand recognition and reputational are essential resources and capabilities to Starbucks’s competition advantage. According to Starbucks Strategy Fortune, â€Å"Starbucks store traffic has risen between 6 percent and 8 percent a year even in a down economy†. Starbucks reputation was growing mostly by word of mouth rather than spending on advertising. Schultz believed that opening numerous stores helped to build the brand to Starbucks by increasing awareness of the brand. On the other hand, Starbucks also strengthened its brand and reputation with Fair Trade Certified coffee and corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company collaborated with CARE and Conservation International to encourage environment responsible methods of growing coffee. These activities would be created the attention and attraction of its customers on the brand of Starbucks. Due with the strength of brand and reputation, Starbucks was achieved sustainable competitive advantages in the specialty coffee segment. Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. One of the powerful and widely assessment tools of an organizations industry’s competitive forces is the five forces model, created by Michael Porter. This model embraces that the competitive forces affecting industry success go beyond rivalry among competing sellers and include four coexisting sources (Thompson, 2012). The Michael Porter’s five forces are the threat of entry, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of buyers, the bargaining power of supply and rivalry among competing sellers. I will identify the competitive environment of Starbucks in coffee industry by using Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model. 1) Industry Rivalry The industry competition among the existing firms is positioned at the center of Porter five forces model. Rivalry is gradually growing against Starbucks each year as the growing of industry. The growth of industry rivalry has increased due to introduce the new products into the market and differentiate products based on quality, service and selection (Gamble & Thompson, Jr. , 2011) cited by (Brown, 2011). With this point, Starbucks has introduced a new way of having premium coffee and new product of Frappuccino, was greatly differentiated from the competitors. Starbucks also served coffee with the highest freshness standards with FlavorLock bags. Starbucks compete to against two strong orgationation in the fast food industry who have operated coffee beverages and stepped into coffee market, McDonalds and Dunkin’ Donuts. The competitive threat distributed by McDonald’s to Starbucks was referring to the Consumer Reports magazine in 2008 , which rated that the McDonald’s the quality of coffee is better and the price is cheaper as compared to Starbucks. The industry’s growing has slowed down while the industry competition is increasing among existing firms. In short, the force of industry rivalry formed by the competition among coffees industry is characterized very strong. 2) The Threat of New Entrance The second competitive force of Porter’s model has significant differenced in the late of 80s and the recent competitive environment of Starbucks, is no barriers to entry. According to Porter (2008), barriers of entry are low in the specialty coffee industry. The coffee houses in the United States were about 585 in 1987 and 25000 in 2007. It showed that the new entrants of specialty coffee market was increasing speedily in 20 years. Besides that, the specialty coffee market had grown from $11. 5billion (2005) to $12. 27 billion (2006) in the United States. Due to the market demand growing rapidly, it was attracted a number of fast-food retailers, such company as McDonald and Dunkin’ Donuts. In addition, the product differentiation (included coffee selection, roasting and brewing) is considered weak. With these elements, it can be established that the threat of new entrants in coffee industry is moderate. However, Starbucks has a strong competitive advantage with a well-known brand and image, the quality service and diversity products, and a strong market in the segmentation. 3) The Threat of Substitutes Another competitive force of Porter’s model is the threat of substitutes. The force of substitutes is significant decreased in the coffee market. This is because, there are only little of substitutes product, such substitute as soft drinks, energy drinks and fruit juices. The principal substitution of products has posed a slight threat to coffee industry were carbonated soft drinks which introduced by the Pepsi and Coca-Cola company. In the past few years, studies have done that coffee has increasingly obtained the preference of consumer more than carbonated soft drinks. This is probably concentrated the healthy related with carbonated soft drinks, and evidenced that coffee is a relatively healthy preference. (Harding, 2000) cited by (Larson. , 2008) Based on the information and evidence, the threat of competitive substitute products is considered to be weak for Starbucks Corporation. 4) The Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of supplier has changed in several ways through the widely growing in the coffee industry. Starbucks was purchased it premium coffee beans from the farmers that were numerous, small and unconnected during the late 1980s. In the recently years, coffee beans suppliers were joint by Fair Trade Certified coffee and acted like a large entity. Specialty coffee companies were making the coffee beans suppliers gradually important by seeking greater quality of coffee to compete the competitors in the market. The coffee beans suppliers today are more power, with increased joint and increased importance upon high quality coffee beans. Starbucks has work out with the coffee beans suppliers into continuing fixed-price commitments in order to ensure an adequate supply, which decreased the supplier bargaining power. (Larson, 2008) 5) The Bargaining Power of buyers. The last element of five forces model is the bargaining power of buyers. The force of the buyer’s bargaining power is defined to the buyer’s capability to force down prices, and seek for higher-quality products and services (Porter, 1998, p. 24) cited by (Larson, 2008). The bargaining power of buyer in specialty coffee segment is considered high, since two strong competitor of Starbucks, McDonalds and Dunkin’s Donuts have offered the lower prices. However, Starbucks has introduced the several new products and high quality of coffee, highly differentiated to maintain consumers satisfied and away from competitors in the coffee market. Thus, the buyer bargaining power has offset and became moderate. The Summary of Michael Porter’s Five Factor In summary, the coffee market faces very strong forces from the industry rivals but it obtains weak forces from the threat of substitutes. Besides, the other three forces are considered as moderate. Generally, the impact of the five forces is moderate in the specialty coffee industry. Therefore, Starbucks is able to obtain the ideal revenues in the coffee market with operated effectively and efficiently. Starbucks’ Generic Strategy. There are three successful generic competitive strategies that organizations can apply to achieve their competitive strategies, included overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus, defined by Michael Porter. Overall cost leadership strategy implies an organization to apply lower overall costs to attract consumers. The differentiation generic strategy contains the creation of service and product as being valuable and unique for the industry. Focus is the last generic strategy, which aims a certain market of a product line (Porter, 1998, p. 38) cited by (Larson, 2008). However, Starbucks are suitable the broad differentiation strategy of the five generic competitive strategies nowadays. This strategy allows Starbucks to serve a broader customer base with the differentiation of product and service (Grant, 2009) cited by (Brown, 2011). This approaches to retain and attract as many consumer with the generally product mix. Starbucks had the unique skills, products and services reputation with the distribution segment of specialty coffee industry. For instance, Starbucks was developed an icy-blend of dark-roasted coffee and milk, named Frappuccino. This drink was a hit with $54 million sales in the first year on the national market. In addition, the high-quality standards and strong employee culture of Starbucks were known well in the specialty coffee industry. The high-quality coffee beans are purchased from Fair Trade Certified, considered a differentiation product to other competitors. The employees of Starbucks were also trained to have strong customer experience. In the differentiation strategies, Starbucks have strengthened the brand and reputation for quality and creative flair. Starbucks’ Strategy Options. Starbucks is able to create three strategic options for sustaining competitive advantage and further growing the business by having evaluated its forces. The three strategic options for Starbucks are that diversification, expansion and merger. 1) Diversification The diversification of a business is that introducing new products and offering new services to the industry. There are two way of diversification for business, be related or unrelated. Starbucks is suited to attempt related diversification, reflecting more association with the specialty coffee industry. Schultz believed that the company has lacked on blockbuster products, only the variations of products. Starbucks has a successful product diversification in the history with launched coffee and tea beverages, brewing and serving equipment, roasted coffee beans, music and gifts. The introduction of savory products such as cake, donut and muffin is a successful diversification as it can be combined with the existing product and core product, coffee. The diversification strategy is a good option for enhancing Starbucks’ growth and competitive advantage. 2) Expansion. The expansion of an organization can be within a country and into an overseas market. Starbucks should reduce their expansion efforts in the United States and focus to expand its business into new countries to further internationalize it. The Economist stated, â€Å"While Starbucks has expanded so have its rivals. The firm’s home market seems to have reached saturation point. † With the rapid expansion, Starbucks is oversaturated in the United States. Therefore, this strategy option is suitable for Starbucks as the United States coffee market is reaching saturation point. If Starbucks has to go further growing and expanding, the international expansion is one of the best strategies for Starbucks. 3) Merger and Acquisition According to Investopedia, it defined as â€Å"a merger is an alliance of two organizations while an acquisition is the attaining of one organization by another. † The strategy of merger and acquisition sets out to accomplish the same goal, by increased broad customer base, market share and corporate strength of business. In the history, Starbucks has merged with Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream to develop super premium ice cream and acquired a premium tea company, Tazo LLC. In the case study of Starbucks, there states that there were about 25000 coffee houses in the United States in 2007. The merger and acquisition of small specialty coffee retailers will enhances the market position, market share and competitive advantage of Starbucks. This is a strategy that will exploit opportunities whilst avoiding threats to further growing and expansion of Starbucks. Recommendations The first and most important process which Starbucks should take is to diminish the efforts expansion in the United States. According to Starbucks’ strategy Fortune, a new store will often cannibalize about 30% of the sales of a nearby Starbucks. The continuing aggressive of expansion in the United States by opening as many new stores of the same area is an act to cannibalize store sales. The reason why Starbucks should diminish their expansion plan is the coffee market has reached the saturation in the US. The overcapacity of expansion plans in a location will be met with failure to an organization. On the basis of all the evaluation and evidence referred for the strategy options, the recommendation is to further expand internationally. Starbucks can convey the remained investment into international development plans by reducing the expansion plans in United States. The expansion of international market offers a supreme target with three fundamental objectives. The first reason is the lack of awareness of coffee market in many countries which represent the prospective market share. For instance, Starbucks currently opens approximately 20,000 stores with 13,000 in the US and 7000 in foreign countries. The total coffee consumption per person in the US has lowered much than many countries, such country as Finland and Italy. With gathering the information, this proves that expand internationally, there is a massive coffee drinking population and potential market share to be selected. (Starbucks Corporation, 2008) cited by (Larson, 2008). Another reason that international expansion offers an ideal prospect is that the expansion of product innovation. For example, Starbucks has announced their Tazo tea brand into the Japanese market. And, Tazo was brought into the United States market as it was a successful trial in Japan. Tazo green tea has brought a success to Starbucks as it was a national drinks and showed that the power of brand in North America. Starbucks could have to evade the risk of brand reputation as more innovative products should run a trial in international markets. Since the markets have yet visible to Starbucks for a period time, it is possible to avoid a great risk with affecting the brand reputation. Therefore, Starbucks has great competitive advantage in the markets with expand intentionally. The last reason of international expansion is to increase the brand reputation. Building brand image is key factor to an organization as the brand will affects an organization’s sales and position in the market. For example, in case of Starbucks, the company has increased revenue from $7. 8 billion in 2006 to $9. 4 in 2007, along with an increase in brand value. In order to recover the exclusivity of Starbucks brand, Schultz would focus the expansion of international countries and slow down the expansion of the United States. Therefore, the international aggressive expansion will help to strengthen its brand image and regain a strong competitive advantage for Starbucks. In a nut shell, I am highly recommended a strategy decision to Starbucks is that expanding into international markets. International countries have represented the ideal potential market shares with the high demand of specialty coffee. By applying this strategy, Starbucks will continue to be the leader in the specialty coffee industry and further regain and strengthen its competitive advantage. Furthermore, it also gains the customer satisfaction in the international markets. International expansion is the way to move forward. Reference Balaban, S. et al. (n. d) â€Å"Management 600† Starbucks Coffee Company. http://cobweb2. louisville. edu/faculty/regbruce/bruce/cases/starbucks/starbucks. htm [Accessed on 7 April 2012]. Brown, H. (2011) â€Å"External Environmental Analysis of Starbucks and the Coffee Industry† Strategic Management MGMT 4340 http://www2. uhv. edu/chapao/MGMT4340/Samples/Project%20Sample%203. pdf [Accessed on 9 April 2012] E-Imports (2012) â€Å"Coffee Statistics† Espresso Business Solutions. http://www. e-importz. com/Support/specialty_coffee. htm [Accessed on 5 April 2012]. Gates, R. et al. (2011) â€Å"Strategy Analysis MGMT 562† http://freedownload. is/pdf/strategy-analysis-mgmt-562-2925711. html [Accessed on 6 April 2012]. Harveywallbanger. (2012) â€Å"Starbucks’ Customer Retention Strategies 89† HubPages.http://harveywallbanger. hubpages. com/hub/Starbucks-Customer-Retention-Strategies [Accessed on 6 April 2012]. Heavey, J. (2012) â€Å"Starbucks a Strategic Report†Scribd. http://www. scribd. com/doc/27614539/Starbucks-a-Strategic-Report-by-James-Heavey [Accessed on 8 April 2012]. Larson, R. (2008) â€Å"Starbucks a Strategic Analysis† Past Decisions and Future Options http://coe. brown. edu/documents/StarbucksaStrategicAnalysis_R. Larson_honors_2008. pdf [Accessed on 8 April 2012]. Location Excelerated (2012) â€Å"How many Starbucks are they? † Location Excelerated. http://loxcel. com/sbux-faq. html.