Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Use It Depends in Conversation

In conversation, it is not always possible to give a yes or no answer to a question about our opinion. Life is not always black or white! For example, imagine you are having a conversation about your study habits. Someone might ask you: Do you study hard? You might want to say: Yes, I study hard. However, that statement might not be 100% true. A more accurate answer might be: It depends on which subject Im studying. If Im studying English, then yes I study hard. If Im studying math, I dont always study hard. Of course, the answer, Yes, I study hard. might be truthful as well. Answering questions with it depends allows you to answer questions with more nuance. In other words, using it depends lets you say in which cases something is true and which cases false. There are a few different grammar forms involved when using it depends. Take a look at the following structures. Be sure to carefully note when to use It depends on ..., It depends if ..., It depends on how /what / which / where, etc., or simply It depends. Yes or No? It Depends The most simple answer is a sentence stating It depends. After this, you can follow up by stating yes and no conditions. In other words, the meaning of the phrase: It depends. If it is sunny - yes, but if it is rainy - no. It depends if the weather is good or not. Another common conversational reply to a yes / no question is It depends. Sometimes, yes. Sometimes, no. However, as you can imagine answering a question with this doesnt provide much information. Here is a short dialogue as an example: Mary: Do you enjoy playing golf?Jim: It depends. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Answering the question with a more complete version provides more information: Mary: Do you enjoy playing golf?Jim: It depends. If I play well - yes, but if I play badly - no. It depends on noun / noun clause One of the most common ways to use it depends is with the preposition on. Be careful to not use another preposition! I sometimes hear It depends about... or It depends from ... these are both incorrect. Use It depends on with a noun or noun phrase, but not with a full clause. For example: Mary: Do you like Italian food?Jim: It depends on the restaurant. OR Mary: Do you like Italian food?Jim: It depends on the type of restaurant. It depends on how adjective subject verb A similar usage that takes a full clause is It depends on how plus an adjective followed by adjective and full clause. Remember that a full clause takes both the subject and verb. Here are a few examples: Mary: Are you lazy?Jim: It depends on how important the task is to me. Mary: Are you a good student?Jim: It depends on how difficult the class is. It depends on which / where / when / why / who subject verb Another similar use of It depends on is with questions words. Follow It depends on with a question word and a full clause. Here are a few examples: Mary: Are you usually on time?Jim: It depends on when I get up. Mary: Do you like buying gifts?Jim: It depends on who the gift is for. It depends if clause Finally, use it depends with an if clause to express conditions for whether something is true or not. Its common to end the if clause with or not.   Mary: Do you spend a lot of money?Jim: It depends if Im on vacation or not.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

An Introduction With A Thesis Statement - 1064 Words

Week 3 - Assignment D. Josh Rhoderick BUS311: Business Law I Instructor: Daniel Malvin Nov 30th , 2015 Final Paper Proposal: Develop an introduction with a thesis statement for the Final Paper: I have been tasked with figuring out if contracts with several large businesses will be governed by common law or the Uniform Commercial Code. Analyze with the owner formed a contract with the businesses, and apply the five essential elements of an enforceable contract. The business is growing, we want to exceed our clients expectations and provide an excellent customer experience however, it’s also my job to ensure our liability for personal injury due to our service is kept to a minimum. Therefore, I will explain our potential personal liability if someone were to get hurt. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each employment type as it relates to agency law. Finally, my final task as manager will be to recommend a new business entity and recommend that Acme Fireworks company should not operate as a sole proprietorship. Create an outline of the major headings with a two- to three-sentence description of what you will discuss under each heading: Common law or Uniform Commercial Code (UCC): Here I will explain why I think Acme Fireworks should use Common Law. UCC and common law have many differences for example common law requires a description of the quantity, price, performance time nature of the work and identity of an offer to be part of a valid contract.Show MoreRelatedIntroduction. Thesis Statement: . The Katzenbach Center1665 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Thesis Statement: The Katzenbach Center survey success was based on organizational change initiatives not just the participants response, many people argue. In this paper, I propose to prove participants who took the survey were in fact of sound mind, and effective to get the right responses as a result. The percentages of participants who took the survey says a lot about the change task they underwent effectiveness and failures. Their experience with organizational change controlRead MoreDetailed Outline. Introduction . †¢My Thesis Statement..1277 Words   |  6 Pages Detailed Outline Introduction †¢ My thesis statement. †¢ My intro will cover where I got the idea for this research. †¢ Key Ideas leading to Gaps/Motivation †¢ The holes I found. †¢ Why I wanted to stay away from PTSD research †¢ What I learned from the lit review †¢ background †¢ more background†¦. †¢ Why my research matters Method Participants †¢ Fourty traditional college students (18-22-year-olds) attending the University of Arkansas will be used as participants †¢ Twenty females and twenty males †¢Read MoreWhat Makes A Good First Impression?1508 Words   |  7 PagesAn introduction does not need to be long (and should not be), but it is an important part of an essay. A weak introduction can cause readers to lose interest in your essay from the start, whereas a strong introduction will engage your readers and make them want to continue reading. Of course, the introduction is the first part of your essay that your audience will read, and it s important to make a good first impression. This page provides suggestions to help you write strong introductions. Introductions:Read MoreWhy Did Claim Is True?860 Words   |  4 Pagesthought out, that consists of an introduction, has body paragraphs that supports each claim, and ends with a conclusion. Even though all of these parts of the essay are critical to the essays writing process, yet the most significant part of the essay is the thesis statement because it sets up the initial structure of the paper; therefore, the thesis creates the main claim of the essay which is followed by two reasons of why that claim is true, by setting up the thesis this way the writer then has theRead MoreOutline Of The Oklahoma City Bombing1665 Words   |  4 PagesMuskan  Hossain     American  Terror:  The  Oklahoma  City  Bombing  cements  terrorism  into  the  minds  of   citizens  Ã‚      Thesis:   Due  to  the  Oklahoma  City  Bombing,  U.S.  citizens  are  corrected  of  their  stereotypical   thoughts  towards  terrorism;  Terrorists  aren’t  commonly  Muslims  or  foreign  enemies.      I. Overview      II. The  significance  of  the  Oklahoma  City  Bombing   A. Controversies  that  arose   B. Questions  thought  and  asked  by  the  citizens   C. Impact  towards  the  Federal  Government   D.   How  it  shook  the  ilRead MoreThe Importance Of Ethos Pathos And Logos871 Words   |  4 Pagesgreat essay is a well formulated thesis statement, as a thesis will set the tone for the essay and allow points to flow from one to another. The tone of an essay leads the reader in a direction that guides them to have a specific opinion or strong emotion that is provoked at the end of the essay. This tone is well set by the thesis statement at the end of the introduction to the paper, this thesis will be the start of what makes the essay. In the few words a thesis will contain a claim and two pointsRead MoreMy Writing : The Secret Of Change853 Words   |  4 Pageslittle knowledge of what a thesis statement is, and what I thought I knew was wrong. Also, I used no transitions between my thoughts and ideas. It made so my ideas did not flow well. The introductions to my essays were vague and undetailed. This made my papers confusing. Altogether, my writing did not sound good. Now I have made changes to my writing through my thesis statements, use of transitions, and introduction paragraphs. As the year has gone by, my theses statements have improved greatly. AtRead MoreEssay about Crj 100 Week 10 Assignment 3 Probation and Punishment746 Words   |  3 Pagesv=o8CW6wzNYeA. o Introduction and Thesis Statement: Grab the attention of the audience of readers. It should define the topics of discussion and articulate the problem that will be discussed in the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement formula is as follows: the topic + your opinions / arguments = thesis statement. The following video shows how to write an introduction and thesis statement: http://www.youtubeRead MoreEnglish Composition One: To Be an Essay or Not to Be an Essay That Is the Question910 Words   |  4 Pagessoon as possible or before the process of writing begins. The next step for me would be to find the argument and take a side. Moreover, picking a thesis statement through brainstorming the information I gathered for original ideas, so I can start my outline. This outline must consist of three basic parts to support the thesis. These parts are the introduction, body, and conclusion. Something that is often forgotten that is equally important is the editing of the language; this has helped improve my gradeRead MoreExpression Is Vital For A Society Essay1370 Words   |  6 Pagesparagraphs, thesis statements, and paper revision, all of which have helped me develop as a writer so I can further express myself and inspire others with my words. One of my major improvements from this semester was on my introductory paragraphs. As a writer, I have the tendency to overly express myself and use too many words to explain a general concept. An introduction paragraph consists of broad concepts that funnel into a thesis. I recall struggling substantially with producing an introduction paragraph

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Harry Gordon Frankfurt, an American Philosopher free essay sample

Harry Frankfurt defined the principle of alternate possibilities ( PAP ): A person is morally responsible for his actions if he could t have done otherwise . And he argued as follows 1) ( PAP) is true 2) determinism : every event must be the way it is and we could t do otherwise Is also true Conclusion: ( PAP ) and determinism are not compatible This argument is a valid argument but It Is not a sound one because the author doesnt agree with the conclusion of the argument and since It Is a valid argument o he decides that one of the premises Is false and doubts the first premise .By Glenn us an example he will try to convince us that the (PAP) Is false . He states that Jones does action (A) and that Black Is some kind of manipulator that has the ability to manipulate Jones so he can Inhalant Jones from performing actions other than (A) without Jones knowing that black exists . We will write a custom essay sample on Harry Gordon Frankfurt, an American Philosopher or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Black will manipulate only If Jones Is going to decide to do otherwise , so we conclude that Jones could t have done otherwise cause of Black , nevertheless Jones is morally responsible for action (A) because he did all on his own without the interference of Black.This example contradicts with definition of (PAP) . Because Jones is morally responsible even though he could t have done otherwise. Moreover I think it is wise to add an argument here : 1) Jones is morally responsible for his action (A) 2) Jones could t have done otherwise ( in other words his actions are determined ) We conclude that moral responsibility is compatible with determinism .One thing that I noticed from the example is that black s duty or job is to block or inhibit Jones choices of actions other than action (A) . Therefore the author admits that there are other choices of actions ( possible alternatives ) than action (A) , so possible alternatives is true but we have to find the right definition and application for it .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

School Business Administration free essay sample

This course has opened up the opportunity to communicate more with staff and students, this opened up relations between them. It has made me understand the general feeling of students and staff on how the rewards scheme is run and I have then been able to communicate this to higher authorities within the school, thus enabling a line of communication between all levels. Building positive relationships within school requires good communication, being pen to discussion, polite, conducting myself professionally and being considerate to all involved. Being a good listener. Recognising differences with others views and ideas. Always showing respect and always offering knowledge, support and guidance where possible. Good ideas should be communicated with assertiveness and good interaction within the team. Humour and motivation are beneficial in building and maintaining relationships I have learnt it is extremely important that all lines of communication are efficient nd successful in maintaining relationships with stakeholders and key to sustaining their involvement with the school. We will write a custom essay sample on School Business Administration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Communication and building relationships is also a vital part of the administration within my role in the school, communication must be effective and efficient in delivering information and maintaining relationships with stakeholders. Communicate effectively with contacts : During this course I have learnt that effective communication can improve team work, resolve disputes, help everybody be happier and more efficient and effective within their role. It can also help progress your role and career within the school. It is important to learn communication on all levels whether through verbal, telephone or written communication. I need to ensure that the schools aims and objectives, all procedures, legislation, and policies are being complied with in regard to all communication and information used and in how it is shared. Communication must be effective and efficient in delivering information and maintain relationships with stakeholders. Verbal Communication when communicating verbally either face to face or on the hone always ensure you think before you speak and listen effectively to what you are being told as miscommunication can produce problems and listening can gain more respect and cooperation from the people you are talking to. When you are trying to communicate effectively you need to think about what you say as well as how you say it. Make sure that body language is open and accessible; maintaining eye contact with the person you are speaking to. Ensure I am always dressed professionally, presenting a good image for both myself and the school. Written Communication part ot my administrative role involves ot lot ot written communication and information which is communicated via letter, email or fax, especially for meetings, where the aim is to gather, prepare, collate and distribute information from school and departmental records. Facilitating the minutes and ensuring they are recorded, stored, distributed and updated precisely, confidentially and efficiently. This information is used by many stakeholders and is imperative that it is correct, accurate, and relevant to the person requesting or receiving the nformation. All written communication needs to be clear, grammatically correct, precise, and professional to the school. Acting within the limits of my authority and referring issues beyond my authority to the appropriate people : Since initiating my Personal Development Plan with my line manager, I am more aware of my role within the school and how I can develop and expand my role for the benefit of the school. There has also been a vacancy made within the school, SIMS Manager, which due to the financial climate will not be fully replaced, it has therefore ad various parts of the role distributed between myself and another member of the support staff. My Job role has therefore been revised; this will need to be altered with the School Business Manager. Within my new duties I am undertaking more procedures within SIMS and handling more data, recording, storing, maintaining, extracting and sharing with stakeholders. I understand that if I cannot deal with an issue or problem, who I need to refer this to within the school or how I can resolve the problem myself through asking the relevant person or department for help and guidance.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wisconsin Vs Yoder Essays - Amish, Peace Churches, Simple Living

Wisconsin Vs Yoder The Case of Wisconsin vs. Yoder (Docket #70-110) goes back to the year 1972. Jonas Yoder and Wallace Miller were both members of the Amish religion. Adin Yutzy, also prosecuted under the Wisconsin law, represented the Conservative Amish Mennonite Church. The reason for prosecution was because there was a law that stated all children must attend public school until the age of sixteen. The three parents, all being Amish, refused to obey such a law and pulled their children out of school after the 8th grade. Their argument was that the high school attendance was contrary to their religious beliefs. The state of Wisconsin disagreed and challenged this case to the United States Supreme Court. The basic constitutional amendment that is being argued here is the freedom of religion. The case was argued on December 8, 1971 and was eventually decided on May 15, 1972. Each side had a perfectly good reason as to why they were right. The defense, (represented as being Yoder), said that the law basically threatens their religious way of life. In their opinion, the only teachings they needed were that of what they had already received up until the 8th grade. They also said that Amish parents provide training from an early age through young adults, teaching them the skills necessary to be farmers, or other skills, i.e., carpenters and parents. This training supposedly prepares them for a much better life as an Amish adult than what they would receive in formal schooling. On the state's side, however, their views were much different. The state was simply enforcing a law that requires children be enrolled in school until the age of sixteen. The state's other argument was that the extra schooling prepared the children for adult life. In response the defendants found it unnecessary and unjust. The state came back with the question of what will happen to the children if they leave their Amish community. In a 6-to-1 decision, the Court decided that the individual's interest in the free exercise of religion under the First Amendment outweighed the State's interests in convincing school attendance past 8th grade. The Court found that the values and programs of secondary school were in sharp conflict with the fundamental mode of life mandated by the Amish religion, and that an additional one or two years of high school would not produce the benefits of public education cited by Wisconsin to justify the law. In the opinion of Chief Justice Burger: ?The Amish have a legitimate reason for removing their children from school prior to their attending high school. The qualities emphasized higher education (self-distinction, competitiveness, scientific accomplishment, etc.) are contrary to Amish values. Additionally, attendance in high school hinders the Amish community by depriving them of the labor of their children and limiting their ability to instill appropriate values in their adolescents. A state's interest in universal education must be balanced against the legitimate claims of special groups of people. The State cites two interests in compulsory education: to create a citizenry to participate in our political system and to prepare self-supportive people. The Court agrees with the Amish that an additional one or two years of education will not significantly affect either of these interests.?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Employee Attraction and Retention in the Australian Resource Sector

Employee Attraction and Retention in the Australian Resource Sector The article presents three arguments to the reader. First, it argues that organizational practices and changes in certain external factors affect attraction and retention of employees. The main challenges faced by organizations are due to changes in laws that govern industrial relations.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Employee Attraction and Retention in the Australian Resource Sector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Secondly, it argues that good organizational practices are important in attraction and retention of skilled employees. Thirdly, the article argues that it is necessary for organizations to diversify their workforce and address issues regarding balance between work and life for employees in order to attract and retain them. These arguments are built upon using a research study conducted in 2009. The study provides responses from employees concerning challenges they face at their workplaces, strategi es that managers use to attract and retain employees, and challenges managers face in attracting and retaining employees. The research also investigated how employees in the resource sector in Australia perceive the influence of changes in legislation. The article uses evidence of examination of strategise that can help to attract employees to advance the arguments. Such strategies include good employment practices and employee involvement in the resource sector. Finally, the article uses evidence form literature on attraction and retention of employees and good employment practices to further the arguments. The arguments presented in this paper are convincing because the evidence they present to build on them are reliable and valid. The survey presents data obtained from employees’ responses to questions whose answers validated the arguments. For example, the literature reviewed by authors of the article included past studies conducted by government agencies and professional writers. The article cites information from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO). There are also citations from various writers such as Crawford, Frith, Cooper, Bailey et. al, and Knox who are professional and reliable writers. Information obtained from Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA) and The Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) gives reason to believe that the information is accurate and applicable. The authors also cite literature from different professional authors who have studied the subject of employee attraction and retention for many years. They have also conducted several studies relating to the topic in past years.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For example, they cite the works of Vanderberg et al., Guest, Boxall, and Mackay that studies the role of high involvement work systems in retention of employees. In addition, they cite the works of Beauregard Henry, O’Halloran, and Erickson and Gratton that explore the role played by good employment practices in attracting and retaining skilled employees. The arguments could be improved by providing more statistical data from past research studies. This could include studies and surveys conducted by authors whose works have been cited in the article. In addition, the arguments could be improved by involving workers from other sectors of the economy. 97 % of workers who participated in the survey worked in either mining or gas and exploration industries. This could have resulted in biased results because other sectors of the economy were poorly represented. Evidence obtained from the survey is biased because it is not representative of all sizes of organizations. It focuses on medium sized and large corporations that have well-established human resource divisions. They could have included small organizations whose human resource divisions are not well established. This would aid in eradicating bias and giving more accurate and reliable information and data.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Management - Assignment Example 1. First is to have a fully autonomous council. This scenario allows for full control by the local council on any program particulars. However, there are several risks involved. First, this will require experienced individuals in launching socio-civic programs to execute a big social change. Secondly, it requires significant funding. This will either require finding a big sponsor, major government funding or launch mega projects to generate funds adding project complexity. Given the risks and enormous scope, this is a pessimistic option to be chosen. 2. Another scenario is to partner with national organizations on chewing gum litter control. Currently there are established groups effectively addressing the issue on a national level and are looking for local city councils to partner with and execute their programs. While this is a low-risk scenario, it maybe limiting the group from doing particular action steps that maybe tailor-fitted to the city. This is an optimistic scenario with limitations. 3. The last option would be a hybrid scenario of the first two. This has some amount of risk in terms of generating funding, but not as huge as that of option one. There can be starting capital from partnership with a national organization and the team can spring board from there to tailor fit more effective programs to address the chewing gum issue on a local scale. Thus, it is recommended to formulate a hybrid program that partners with a national organization against chewing gum litter while having its own strategies adapted locally II. Project Organization Illustrated in figure 4 is the proposed project organization while table 1 lists the roles, responsibilities and skills required of each member. In addition to this team, the stake holders of the project are also important. They will comprise the project board. They will be representatives of the local city council on ways and means, local city council on law and governance, city council on budget, a member from the cleanliness civic group and a representative from the national organiza

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

America History19th Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

America History19th Paper 1 - Essay Example While Smith’s religion has more of a substantial legacy, it was Prophet Matthias that made the headlines. The cult or ‘Kingdom of Matthias† the ideals of sexuality in the early 19th century. Historically the United States had a strong base in the freedom of religion and Protestantism. It was during the 1820s that smaller groups began to separate from the traditional and entered into the heretical. The Finneyites began great revivals that upended many of the long established customs regarding sexuality, religion, and politics. Theses followers shunned traditional Calvinist beliefs and strove to create an atmosphere that was governed by each individual versus a pre-ordained destiny.(23) It was not because of their beliefs, but the members of the movement that upset many. These were the middle and upper class citizens with aversion for many of the traditional beliefs. These men and women believed in abolishing many of the patriarchal beliefs and lifestyles that many Americans were living. When many started to protest against the Finneyites way of living, Prophet Matthias saw his chance. For many of the established branches, the woman’s place was in the home as a faithful servant to her husband and children. Not one to speak out or cause a stir, women were to bide by their husbands command and lead a spiritual life. It was during this time that some small groups of women started to stand up against the patriarchal beliefs and start to pursue their own religious opportunities. One such woman was Isabella van Wagenen, a servant who moved to Bowery Hill with who was James Latourette’s servant. Ms. Wagenen had been a slave and believed to have spoken with God since childhood.(53) When invited to the Bowery Hill Asylum created by Elijah and Sarah Pierson by two fellow women, she joined only to refuse the teachings. Oddly she decided to stay on with the Piersons and acted as an at will housekeeper. Women during this

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Introduction to the Health Professions I US Health Care System Summary Essay

Introduction to the Health Professions I US Health Care System Summary - Essay Example This high cost is mainly caused by the stakeholders, system failures, fraud, overtreatment and lack of coordinated care. The health care scheme in the U.S. is faced with several strengths and weaknesses. The health care system in the U.S. is identified as one of the finest medical facilities (Stark 18). This is attributed by technological development and exemplary human resources. The health care experts in the country are also the best. The health care system in the country is also financed heavily in order to enhance its effectiveness. On the other hand, reforming the health care in the country is a critical issue because it will require capital. There are also medical mistakes that are often made during the treatment of individuals. In the United States, there are approximately 49 million individuals who are not medically insured (Niles 77). Most of these individuals are the poor individuals who do not have the ability to afford health insurance. The citizens in the United States are supposed to have medical cover in order to reduce the mortality rate in the country. It is quite evident that there is immense resistance in the US in regard to universal health care. This is attributed by the verity that it is a single-payer system. This asserts that the government is the only source of finance in the entire healthcare system. As stated above, the United States spends approximately $2.6 trillion on health care (Stark 12). This cost is exceptionally high as compared to the amount that is spent in the education sector. Research asserts that the aging of the U.S. population has a vast impact in the health care industry. This places additional pressure on the revenue support programs for elderly individuals (Stark 23). Based on a health care perspective, the older individuals in the society require prompt health services. There are three leading concerns in the health care industry including access, cost and quality (Niles 98). These problems

Friday, November 15, 2019

Vengeance In Shakespeare And Literature English Literature Essay

Vengeance In Shakespeare And Literature English Literature Essay Numerous dramas and works of literature by William Shakespeare are known for their intensely dramatic scenes. And because of violence enhancing the deaths of literature works, it is in favor for writers of literature to put much violence and death in their works and literature, after annotating Shakespeares use of revenge, and how it brings out the life of his plays. Shakespeares works use vengeance because it leads to the root of violence as well as draw excitement to readers, and by also showing the consequences of revenge, his works leave a notable and significant message that vengeance is not necessarily the best way to solve problems, and yet his use of vengeance in his works encourage the use of vengeance in literature. What is vengeance exactly? Vengeance is basically an infliction of injury, harm, or humiliation on a person who has been harmed by that person. Revenge and vengeance can be best described by the term an eye for an eye, a quotation from several passages of the Hebrew Bible (Leviticus 24:19-21, Exodus 21:22-25, and Deuteronomy19:21) in which a person who has injured the eye of another is obligated to give the value of his or her own eye in compensation. This mythological perspective is the main basis for many works of literature; most notable is that of Shakespeares Hamlet (DiYanni). The idea of vengeance for family honor causes great chaos and madness throughout the play Hamlet, and causes many more people who were beloved to get caught up in this circle of chaos, madness, and vengeance. Revenge causes the characters in Hamlet to act blindly and inattentively through anger and emotion, rather than through reasoning, intuition, and reliable thinking between actions and consequences. Based on the principle of an eye for an eye, this action is not always the best means to an end, nor is it righteous. The three characters Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet urged to avenge the deaths of their beloved fathers, whom were all murdered. All three characters acted on the emotion of rage driven by the thirst for revenge for their fathers deaths, and this led to the tragic death of both Laertes and Hamlet, and the rise of power for the Norwegian crowned prince Fortinbras who was heading for Denmark. This further leads to the perception that ones desire for vengeance can lead t o their downfall. Lost by his father, with all bonds of law, to our most valiant brother, provides information of Fortinbras, King of Norways, death which leads to the basis and understanding of how Fortinbrass thirst for vengeance arose (Hamlet I.ii.24-25). Fortinbras then aspires to recover the lands and power lost by his father as a way of honoring and avenging him (pinkmonkey). Polonius was an advisor to King Claudius and was a devoted member to Claudiuss ruling. Not only being a simple advisor, Polonius was the father to Laertes and Ophelia. How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead, gives detail of Prince Hamlet killing Polonius while he was secretly listening in on a conversation between Hamlet and his mother (Hamlet III.iv.25). Once Laertes figures out his fathers murder, he does not hesitate and proceeds for vengeance quite hastily. King Claudius asked Laertes, to show yourself youre your fathers son in deed more than words (Hamlet IV.vii.137-138). Laertes then replies back stating, to cut his throat ith , thus proving Laertess inner desire for retribution of the death of his father. As for Hamlet; after hearing of his fathers death, Hamlets initial reaction was not vengeful nor did a desire for retribution occur. Hamlet first fell into a state of melancholy and depression. Not until King Hamlets ghost reveals the truth to Hamlet that his whole melancholy and depressed attitude changes. King Hamlets Ghost says to Hamlet, Murder most foul, as in the best it is, but this most foul, strange and unnatural (Hamlet I.v.31-32). Hamlet then replies to his fathers ghost stating, Haste me to knowt that I with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love may sweep me to my revenge, thus interpreting that a whole new drive for vengeance has arose. Hamlet is almost totally sure that his uncle King Claudius had killed his father in order to take the power of the throne of Denmark (Hamlet I.v.33-35). But unlike Fortinbras, Hamlet does not act quickly or hastily because he is paralyzed by his own indecision and fear (pinkmonkey). The inability for Hamlet to take immediat e action becomes his main obstacle throughout the play. Eventually Hamlet does get his revenge, but the irony in the play is that Hamlet, by fulfilling his revenge, has destroyed the family whose honor he sought to avenge, which is a major turn around in the whole work, and gives readers an inner depth of feeling to this work (pinkmonkey). Fortinbras, Hamlet, and Laertes are burdened with the responsibility of avenging the murders of their respective fathers. The most interesting fact about Shakespeares work in context, that most readers would overlook, is the fact that while both Hamlet and Laertes find themselves in similar situations, they do not respond to their situations in a corresponding way for revenge (Sexton). Their display for vengeance is quite significantly different. Hamlet spends much of the play plotting on ways to take vengeance against his fathers murderer and is held back by his fear, while Laertes, on the other hand, reacts to the news of his fathers murder very quickly and rapidly (Sexton). These differences are based on both Laertes and Hamlets personality, values, initiative, and anger, which are the building blocks and glue to all acts of vengeance. Laertes can be described as an inflexible person and has a different sense of honor. Laertes acts out of great aggressiveness and pure anger, while Hamlets code of honor, on the other hand, can be portrayed as extremely different, because throughout Shakespeares work. Hamlet attentively plots and questions himself on which course of action is the utmost proper and effective way for his act of vengeance to take forth. This continues to support the theory that different men tend to different acts when it comes to vengeance. Unfortunately, this decision leads to the death of them both. Rather than approach vengeance as a task to be carried out in the most acceptable fashion, Hamlet and Laertes brainwash in their heads that murder is the only means of revenge, which is portrayed as a sociologic al aspect in literature: that a means of vengeance, particularly to men, has to involve death (pinkmonkey). Whatever happened to placing itching powder in ones underwear? Or just plain out of forgiving them, as one is supposed to in The Bible? Society now refers to vengeance as mere violence and bloodshed. Overall the plays conclusion makes it clear that the great distinction between Hamlet and Laertes is quite significant to Shakespeare because it develops a conflict in his work, and leads to deeper questioning whether vengeance is truly the best means to an end. Another Shakespearian work that displays a theme of vengeance in literature is Macbeth. In Macbeth the characters Malcolm and Macduff portray a desire for retribution for the deaths of their loved ones, whom Macbeth has murdered in his thirst for tyranny. He has no children. All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop, explores Macduffs grief for the loss of his wife and son (Macbeth IV. iii. 216-219). Tyrant, show the face! If thou beest slain and with no stroke of mine, my wife and childrens ghost will haunt me still, explains that Macduff considers that he has the right to carry out vengeance (Macbeth V.vii.15-17). He may just have the right towards an eye for an eye, but just because one has a right to an action, doesnt necessarily mean that taking that action is the utmost right thing to do. For every action there is a consequence. In Hamlet the consequences of vengeance are exceedingly displayed. Although it never directly states that vengeance is the best means to an end, one can easily interpret that vengeance is not the correct motive. Hamlet proves that vengeance leads to more death that could have easily been avoided. To further display the negative aspects are sacred books such as the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible gives great detail of avoiding vengeance, and is the major source of answer to the question of whether vengeance is the best means to an end through a mythological perspective. God speaks out in the Bible stating: It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them, thus stating that God only has the right to avenge anyone, while we as his people do not the right to seek any vengeance (Deuteronomy 32:35; Romans 12:19; Hebrews 10:30). God says that he will take care of everything. God never accepts vengeance from impure motives, such as taking part in vengeance for emotional distress. In Psalm 94:1, the psalmist asks God to avenge the righteous, not in a sense of anger, but out of justice from God, whose judgments are perfect. Although vengeance is a sin, and causes a negative impact to our society, it should still be encouraged to be placed in works of literature, and maybe movies, thats if the people who view such movies are competent enough to not act out upon such viewings. Who doesnt like a good story filled with vengeance? Vengeance in literature can play the role of an end to a magnificent plot, a ground-breaking intro, or encouragement for a friend to get his hands off the PlayStation every once in a while. To further prove vengeances impact on literature take note of best-selling books: Grendel by John Gardner, and The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and how vengeance gives these works great value in the eyes of many readers. The Great Gatsby is basically the basic soap opera that ends with death, due to misunderstanding and the need of vengeance. In the Fitzgeralds work, George Wilsons wife, Myrtle, is killed in a car accident. And by just assuming that his wife was intentionally murdered, and that its the will of God for him to act put upon vengeance; he shoots Tom Gatsby while he is floating in the swimming pool. Tom Gatsbys death played the dramatic climax in Fitzgeralds work, leaving thoughts in the minds of readers as the story concludes. For instance, the most captivating quote was about the basis of Toms death and Georges revenge When a man gets killed I never like to get mixed up in it in any way. I keep out. When I was a young man it was differentI stuck with them to the endLet us learn to show friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead (Fitzgerald, 147). By placing vengeance in literary context, Fitzgeralds work went from simplistic to captivating, in the eyes of many reade rs. Grendel by John Gardner possesses vengeance as well, and some may argue that it possesses greater value of vengeance than The Great Gatsby. Grendels mother and Beowulf display the best aspects of vengeance. Beowulf is assigned the task to slay Grendel, and cease his routinely devastating raids. The slaying of Grendel plays the role of vengeance, and also redemption within Gardners work. After her sons dismemberment Grendels mother also takes her place to seek revenge, although vengeance was not needed, for it was Grendel who had it coming. However, Grendels mother is still a mom who loves her child, and her task is to obtain vengeance for her son. This epic story reveals how vengeance can make literature into a visionary cinematic pleasure. Most great authors themselves promote vengeance in their work opposed to philosophers. Peter A. French is one of the many authors that defended vengeance and demonstrate its prevalence throughout our history and our literature -Although most moral philosophers reject vengeance as a barbaric sentiment, Peter French argues that it has fallen into disrepute without being seriously examined with respect to its real moral value. In beginning his philosophical examination of the virtues of vengeance, he investigates the use of vengeance themes in literature and popular culture. Literary works from the  Iliad  to  Hamlet  and modern film Westerns such as Clint Eastwoods Unforgiven  are reviewed in his exploration of the philosophical and ethical aspects of vengeance. He then concentrates on the conditions that could make acts of vengeance virtuous(kansaspress). Vengeance is the main foundation of a plethora of literary works, but most notable is that of Shakespeares. Vengeance plays a theme of most of Shakespeares plays, and is main component of its success. The portrayal of the consequences of vengeance shows that vengeance is most definitely not the best means to an end, and for those who are of Christianity, portray vengeance as a sin, because God strictly prohibits it. On the other hand vengeance, can be a positive impact in not just Western literature, but worldwide. By displaying vengeance in books, people can learn from mistakes, and speak towards their own thoughts on vengeance. Vengeance is an endless matter, and should also be endless theme of literature works throughout our time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Our generation Essay

Throughout the past couple of centuries, our world has changed over a period of time. Everything has changed; generations, the way we live, nature and so much more. History is created every day, and at every moment without even realizing it. Our culture is a huge part of our everyday environment that we do not realize how incredibly significant they influence our lives. There are many important elements that have changed American society; for example the television. Television can be used as a tool to motivate learning and to increase awareness of public issues. Social Interaction, education, culture, and criminal exposure are some of the key reasons to why the television has played a significant role in our lives. In today’s modern culture, television has played a big role throughout people’s every day lives. We depend on TV for entertainment, news, education, culture, weather, sports, and so much more. Without the TV, our social interaction percentage would be low; because of the lack of topics. People these days, talk about TV shows, movies, and more, and without it, a lot of people would be anti social. While television is often criticized for isolating people, it can also bring them together. For example, Super Bowl parties and other events in which people congregate around the TV. During the month-long telecast of March Madness, fans gather at work, in bars and other places to compare brackets, view college basketball games, and discuss the results. In addition, some TV shows invite viewers to share their opinions by calling in or posting comments. Televisions have influenced education and teaching practices. Educators have had to adapt and provide lessons that not only educate but entertain the learner. It has been shown that attention spans have decreased since the prominence of television. Reading is not seen in the same esteem as in previous generations. Studies have shown that public television programs emphasize literacy development. Using engaging characters and interesting stories, shows like â€Å"Sesame Street,† and â€Å"Sid the Science Kid,† motivate children to learn, while other specialty channels, such as â€Å"Animal Planet† and â€Å"Discovery Channel†, also provide educational content in an entertaining way. Television also provides cultural experiences, which can help broaden viewers’ perspectives and increase tolerance and appreciation for different lifestyles.TV has the ability to create powerful capabilities, TV allows people especially adolescents to share cultural experience with one another. Shows like â€Å"National Geographic,† â€Å"House Hunters International,† and â€Å"The Amazing Race,† focus on life in parts of the world that may be unfamiliar to most Americans. Even shows that concentrate their efforts in the U.S., such as â€Å"Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives,† and â€Å"House Hunters,† can improve cultural awareness by highlighting the foods, housing trends and customs in different regions of the country. Lastly, the impact of television also serves to expose criminal activity. According to a 2011 article in †Time† magazine, the television show â€Å"America’s Most Wanted,† was â€Å"an unprecedented collaboration between law enforcement and television,† and led to the capture of 1,154 fugitives as a result of phone tips from TV viewers. Kevin Perkins, an assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigation division told â€Å"Time,† the agency captured 17 of its most highly-ranked fugitives and also solved over 550 cases as a result of TV viewer tips. Perkins also says that they’ve captured suspects within minutes of an episode airing on TV. Also the news; today these days, there are many news channels to inform us on what is happening around the world. Without the news, we would often wonder what is happening, despite the advantage of also having social media,it is often not reliable nor true. References: The End of American’s Most Wanted: Good News for Criminals, Bad News for the FBI. To conclude., throughout the past hundred of years, our world has changed over a period of time; generations, the way we live, nature, and more. History is created ever day, and at every moment without even realizing it. Our culture is a huge part of our every day environment that we do not realize how incredibly significant they influence our lives. One important element; the television has changed American society. Social Interaction, education, culture, and criminal exposure are some of the key reasons to why  the television has played a significant role in our lives. Without the television, our generation would be a lot different.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How has China been affected by globalization Essay

In the late 1970s China made perhaps its most significant strategic political manoeuvre of the 20th Century when it embarked on a series of economic reforms that embraced globalization (Bijian, 2005). Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders believed that to further China’s development, participation in an open global economy would be crucial to its survival (Chow, 2002) During the three decades since these reforms China’s political and economic institutions have undergone a dramatic transition (Overholt, 2005 and Economy, 1998). China has shifted from the world’s greatest opponent of globalization into a committed member of a global economy and advocate of globalization (Overholt, 2005). The pinnacle of this transformation and China’s economic growth was its admission into to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on 11 December, 2001 (Allen et al, 2006 and Fishman, 2005). Consequently, China is now subjected to international trends and forces to a degree unprecedented since 1949 (Bijian, 2005 and Chow, 2004). In this essay I will analyse the effect that globalization has had on China’s political, economic, legal and technological institutions. Furthermore, I will also analyse whether China has been forced to change to pander to the international economic community or whether it has voluntarily instituted change for its own benefit and development. However before analysing the effect that globalization has had on China it is important to understand what the term â€Å"globalisation† means. Globalisation became a buzz word in the 1990s because of its influence in creating a world in which geographic location became increasingly irrelevant (Immerfall 2006). In essence globalisation refers to the unrestricted flow of goods, capital, information, technology and people across national borders (Chow, 2005a). Globalisation is, however, by no means a new phenomenon and China has been subjected to its effects for many centuries (Alford, 1999). In fact, the effects of globalisation in China go â€Å"as far back as the Han dynasty (206BC-220AD) when trade took place between the Han Chinese and neighbouring people in the North-west through the Silk Route† (Chow, 2004: 3). Despite this, in the Qing Dynasty and the early stages of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, right up until Deng Xiaoping’s open door policy, China tried  to close its doors and restrict the influence of globalisation (Street, 2000 and Chow 2004 and 2005a). This was not the first time that China was forced to confront and implement a national strategy to either embrace or combat the effects of globalisation. In fact, as recently as the 1990s, China was confronted by this conundrum, namely: whether to continue its global economic expansion in the face of the Asian financial crisis or to once again close it doors and retreat inwards to protect itself from the economic fallout of a struggling region (Fishman, 2005 and Nolan, 2001). However, by carefully weighing the advantages and disadvantages of economic openness the Chinese government decided to open up the Chinese economy even more, and eventually joined the World Trade Organization by implementing large economic reforms (Bijian, 2005). There is no doubting that these economic reforms and China’s embracement of globalisation has brought stunning results. Since starting to open up and reform its economy in 1978, China â€Å"has averaged 9.4 percent annual GDP growth, one of the highest growth rates in the world† (Bijian, 2005: 3). One of the reasons for the huge leaps in growth has come from direct foreign investment that has been facilitated by China’s admission to the WTO. For example, in the space of a few days in 2004, a North Korean Steel Company launched a $500 million steel project in the Dalian development zone; France’s St Gobain invested $70 million in one of its existing glass production lines in China; Germany’s Siemens opened its fortieth office in China for development of software; and Finland’s Stora Enso invested $1.6 billion in a paper pulp project in Guandong Province (Hall et al, 2004). Such results have seen China become the third largest trading country in the world and the envy of many developing economies around the world (Chow, 2005b). While such economic statistics are regularly celebrated by the Chinese government as a success of China’s inclusion into the WTO, many in China are in fact lamenting the negative effects of globalisation and the scrutiny that WTO membership has brought. In fact WTO membership came at a very high price for the domestic Chinese economy (Overholt, 2005). Throughout the 80s  and 90s China initiated structural changes such as the phasing out of direct subsidies for exports and began cutting tariffs in preparation for inclusion into the WTO (Pearson, 2001). Over the three years from 1994 to 1997, the country’s average tariff rate was lowered from about 43 to 17 per cent and at the time of China’s entry into the WTO in late 2001, the overall average was just 15 per cent. Such drastic economic changes were at the behest of the WTO and the result being that a lot of factories and domestic industries have gone bankrupt because many people prefer foreign products which ha ve become cheaper as a result of China’s inclusion into WTO (Solinger, 2005). Furthermore, Moore (2002) also argues that China’s accession into the World Trade Organization could be viewed as more beneficial to the rest of the world rather than China itself. WTO commitments made by China do not in any way protect China’s â€Å"domestic producers† and therefore the argument that that the greatest benefit of China’s WTO membership is enjoyed by foreign companies is indeed a valid one (Moore, 2002: 311). Yang (2004: 307) argues that admission into the WTO was in fact too big of a restructure step for China and continues by noting that Chinese involvement in the WTO is great for foreign companies and bad for local ones because â€Å"one of the first laws enacted† to ensure WTO membership â€Å"was designed to attract and protect investment from overseas†. It is clear that this lack of protectionism, although beneficial to the outside world, has been disrupted the income to domestic businesses. Of particular note is the fact that with China’s WTO membership foreign investors have been allowed access to markets that were previously restricted or highly regulated (Samuelson, 2004 and Pearson, 2001). These incursions have been most evident in the insurance, telecommunications, and financial industries (Prasad, 2004). Such competition is however of great benefit to the domestic Chinese consumer. In fact, fifteen years ago China barely had any mobile telecommunication services, whereas now it claims more than 300 million mobile phone subscribers, more than any other nation (Bijian, 2005). Whether this is a result of modernisation or globalisation is highly debatable, but it is clear that Chinese consumers are embracing the increase in products and services provided by many foreign companies. Other than the local businesses being hurt by foreign investments and industries, the labour market in China is also suffering from major unemployment as a result of the forces of globalisation (Chow, 2004). While entry into the WTO has in itself not created joblessness, it has however heightened a number of trends that were already underway, including accelerating the rate of insolvency of state owned enterprises. The result being the discharge of tens of millions of workers who, when they were younger, were once assured of employment by the socialist state (Economy, 1998 and Chow 2004 and 2005b). According to Prasad (2004: 6) â€Å"the unemployment problem is in fact likely to worsen over the next few years due to restructuring in the rural and state enterprise sectors†, the very type of restructuring that has been mandated upon China by the World Trade Organisation. Another cause of the unemployment problem currently facing the Chinese economy is its shift away from sunset industries such as manufacturing, mining and construction to newer industries that demand workers with specialised skills (Prasad, 2004; Solinger 2005 and Yang 2004). Similar changes are evident in China’s effort to upgrade its technology industry, which has not only involved the replacement of much unskilled labour but in many cases also reduces the need to employ as many skilled blue-collar workers (Nolan, 2001 and Economy, 1998). While this can not be directly liked to WTO membership it is clear that the forces of globalisation are having a major impact on the Chinese economy, the products it produces and its labour force. The amazing growth in China’s economy as a result of its increased participation and integration in a global economy is also having social and political consequences. Most notable a growing divide between China’s rich and poor. Obviously China would not have self imposed such drastic economic changes purely to encourage direct foreign investment to the detriment of domestic businesses, but it is clear the benefits of the global marketplace are not being shared around China’s 1.3 billion people (Solinger, 2005 and Chow, 2004). It is very much the case in China that the rich are getting  richer and the poor are just getting left behind. This is also evident in the growing regional inequalities in China. Despite the governments attempts to rectify the situation, foreign investment has continued to flow to those provinces where education levels are the highest, infrastructure most well developed and political power most concentrated (Overholt, 2005 and Economy, 1998). Moreover, while the wealthier provinces in theory pay taxes to the centre to compensate the poorer provinces, in practice this system has failed allowing corruption to flourish, resulting in power becoming de-centralised from Beijing to local authorities. Not surprisingly such inequality has contributed to serious political tension between the haves and have nots (Bijian 2005 and Economy 1998). Overholt (2005: 7) however argues that despite the growing divide between the rich and poor, the Chinese â€Å"overwhelmingly support further globalisation†. Overholt (2005: 7) asserts that â€Å"no large country in human history has ever experienced such rapid improvements in living standards and working conditions† as China has in its acceptance of adjustments to accommodate the forces of globalisation. So while the economic dividends of China’s rapid growth are not being shared equally around the country, the majority are nonetheless better off. One of the reasons for such widespread approval of the modernisation of the economy has been the upgrading of technology, especially telecommunications which has been an essential aspect of the Chinese government’s plans for continued economic growth (Chow, 2004 and 2005a and Econommy, 1998). Normally if there is general contentment among the population then this would provide little in the way of difficulties for those in power. Fred Tipson (1998: 12) however, notes a difficult conundrum for the Chinese government in their embracement of economic globalisation. â€Å"The Chinese leadership has repeatedly emphasized the central role of telecommunications and information technologies in building its modern economy†¦..on the one hand, actively promoting a modern communications infrastructure, while on the other hand, repeatedly trying to control the content and uses of the information that pulses through it.† Tipson (1998) concludes that the  communications revolution will â€Å"diminish the need or inclination of most Chinese to defer to central authority or accept routinely the government’s characterization of reality.†The Chinese government is more than aware of the threat to its power that the technological revolution and global scrutiny presents. Given the current uprisings and discontent in Tibet the government has blocked access to many websites to control the flow of information to not only its own people, but the international community (Maunder, 2008). So while the forces of globalisation may have brought prosperity to China, the Chinese government also has to work overtime to maintain its grip on power. When evaluating the impact that globalisation has had on China it is important not to lose sight of the big picture. Economic growth alone does not provide a full picture of a country’s development and despite China’s population of 1.3 billion, its China’s economy is still just one-seventh the size of the United States’ (Bijian, 2005). However, the open-door policy that was first advanced by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s has been of great success in modernising China. It is true that such rapid growth has presented China with some problems, including the demise of some domestic industries, unemployment and minor political instability, however given its current path it appears that China’s rise to superpower status is inevitable. BIBLIOGRAPHY Alford, William (1999) ‘Does the rule of law really rule?’ paper presented before the Conference on Policy Reform in China, Center for Research in Economic Development and Policy Research, Standford University, November 18-20, 1999 (Online) Available from: [Accessed 10th March 2008]Allen, Franklin. Jun Qian and Meijun Qian (2006), ‘China’s Financial Reform: Past, Present and Future’ in Loren Brandt and Thomas Rawski, ed. China’s Economic Transition: Origins, Mechanism, and Consequences. University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School: MimeoBijian, Zheng (2005) ‘China’s Peaceful Rise to Great-Power Status’ Foreign Affairs September/October 2005Chow, Gregory (2002) ‘China’s Economic Transformation’ Oxford: Blackwell Publishing CompanyChow, Gregory (2004) ‘Knowing China’ Singapore: World Scientific Publishing CompanyChow, Gregory (2005a) ‘Corruption and Economic Reform in the Early 21st Century’ Princeton University, California: MimeoChow, Greogry and Yan, Shen (2005b) ‘Demand for Education in China’ Princeton University, California: MimeoEconomy, Elizabeth (1998) ‘China Confronts the Challenge of Globalization’ New York: Rockefeller Brothers Fund, IncFishman, Ted (2005) ‘How the rise of the next super power challenges America and the world’ New York, N.Y.: ScribnerHall, D., Jones, R., and Raffo, C. (2004) ‘Business Studies’ 3rd Edition, Lancashire: Causeway Press LtdImerfall, Stefan (2006) ‘Territoriality in the Globalizing Society: One Place or None?’ (Online) Available from: [Accessed 9th March 2008]Maunder, Patricia (2008) ‘The Great Firewall of China’ The Age, March 20, 2008 (Online) Available from: eb/the-great-firewall-of-china/2008/03/18/1205602389513.html? [Accessed 21st March 2008]Moore, Thomas (2002) ‘China in the World Market’ New York, NY: Cambridge University PressNolan, Peter (2001) ‘China and the Global Economy: National Champions, Industrial Policy and the Big Business Revolution’ New York, N.Y: PalgraveOverholt, W (2005) ‘China and Globalization’ Testimony before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, May 19, 2005. Santa Monica, California: Rand CorporationPearson, Margaret (2001) ‘The Case of China’s Accession to the GATT/WTO’, in David M. Lampton (ed.), The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy in the Era of Reform, 1978-2000 Stanford: Stanford University PressPrasad, Eswar (2004) ‘China’s Growth and Integration into the World Economy: Prospects and Challenges’ International Monetary Fund Publications, June 17, 2004. Samuelson, Paul (2004) ‘Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization’ Economic Perspectives, 18: 3 Summer, 2004Solinger, Dorothy (2005) ‘Chinese Urban Jobs and the WTO’ The China Journal, May 2005Street, N., Lynch, M and Marilyn, J (2000) ‘American Business in China: Balancing Culture and Communication (Online) Available from: [Accessed 5th March 2008]Tipson, Fred (1998) ‘China and the Information Revolution’ China Joins the World: progress and Prospects New York: Council for Foreign Relations PressYang, Dali (2003) ‘Remaking the Chinese Leviathan’ Stanford,

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Borges And I

The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes† This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms† that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems† meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know† that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing.... Free Essays on Borges And I Free Essays on Borges And I The theme in Borges’ Borges and I is double personality. Throughout the work Borges seems to be describing himself as a normal person and as his true self, the writer. He has a problem with this other man who he describes. In the end Borges lets him self-go and shows us the writer. In the beginning of the poem Borges gives us insight into what he likes then wittingly states, â€Å"the other man shows these likes† This means that he possibly sees himself as two different people that like the same things. He then says â€Å"but in a showy way that turns them into stagy mannerisms† that is implying that he maybe has a problem with this other man. In the middle of the writing Borges tells us how he â€Å"lets myself live, so that Borges can weave his tales and poems† meaning Borges the normal person is letting his desire for being a writer free. Towards the end of the work Borges is completely writing out of the view of himself, the writer. He ends the work with â€Å"which of us is writing this page I don’t know† that is clearly a comment of his ability of writing in another person. Borges could possibly have a mild case of schizophrenia, which actually enhances his writing....

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Definition and Examples of Agrammatism

Definition and Examples of Agrammatism Definition Broadly defined, agrammatism is the pathological inability to use words in grammatical sequence. Agrammatism is associated with Brocas aphasia, and there are numerous theories regarding its cause. Adjective: agrammatic. According to Anna Basso and Robert Cubelli, The most evident characteristic of agrammatism is the omission of function words and affixes, at least in those languages that allow it; simplification of the grammatical structures and disproportionate difficulty in retrieval of verbs are also common (Handbook of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1999). At this time, says  Mary-Louise Kean, there are no closed issues or resolved  problems in the linguistic and psycholinguistic analysis of agrammatism . . .. The field of study, instead, is fraught with controversy (Agrammatism,  2013). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Assemblage ErrorDysfluency Hyperbaton and Inversion NeurolinguisticsSVO (Subject-Verb-Object)Word Salad Examples and Observations Agrammatism is  a disorder that leads to difficulties with sentences. These difficulties can relate both to the correct comprehension and the correct production of sentences. That these difficulties occur at the sentence level is evident from the fact that word comprehension and production can be relatively spared.(The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders, ed. by  Raymond D. Kent. The MIT Press, 2004)[Agrammatism is a]  symptom of aphasia in which the patient has trouble producing well-formed words and grammatical sentences, and trouble understanding sentences whose meanings depend on their syntax, such as The dog was tickled by the cat.(Steven Pinker, Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language. HarperCollins, 1999) The Most Salient Feature of AgrammatismThe most salient feature of agrammatism  is the relative omission of grammatical morphemes in spontaneous production. Descriptions of the disorder have emphasized these omissions, pointing out that in its most severe form speech can consist of single words (primarily nouns) separated by pauses (e.g., Goodglass, 1976).  If it were the case that all agrammatic speech  consisted only of nouns bounded by pauses, it would not be difficult to provide a definition of the elements that are omitted. However, most agrammatic patients produce speech that consists of short sequences of words, characterized by the omission of some grammatical markers, giving the impression of syntactically impoverished utterances. The critical question is how the omission of these elements should best be characterized.(Alfonso Caramazza and Rita Sloan Berndt, A Multicomponent Deficit View of Agrammatic Brocas Aphasia. Agrammatism, ed. by  Mary-Louise Kean. Academic Press, 2013) Telegraphic SpeechThe English language has a relatively constrained canonical sentence order: subject, then verb, then object (SVO). Varying that order carries grammatical meaning (e.g., passive). Grammatically speaking, Standard American English (SAE) contains a sizable number of free-standing functor words (i.e., grammatical words) and limited inflections. Inflections generally mark tense and plurality in SAE, and, except for irregular forms, are added to the root word without altering the original word structure. Thus, in a sentence like, She is speaking, is is a free functor, whereas -ing is an inflection that marks present continuity.Agrammatism in English manifests itself primarily as the omission of, or substitution for, functors. Agrammatic speakers of English preserve word order, but omit free functors, like is, and inflections, like -ing, while retaining a telegraphic skeleton (She speak). The agrammatic speaker is thus able to produce a degree of connected speech but is m issing some required grammatical information.(OConnor, B., Anema, I., Datta, H., Singnorelli, and T., Obler, L. K., Agrammatism: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, The ASHA Leader, 2005) Pronunciation: ah-GRAM-ah-tiz-em

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Article on Demand and Supply Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Article on Demand and Supply Model - Essay Example Nevertheless, one of the major reasons behind these frequent price hikes is increase in global cotton demand by textile firms (after improvement in global economic outlook), which is not matched due to shortfalls in supply after reduction in global cotton production. The cotton (and yarn) prices at New York cotton market have been increasing due to this demand / supply imbalance that subsequently lead to increase in prices of finished products (readymade garments, unstitched cloth, towels etc.). It is worth mentioning that there are three major cotton growing nations / producers in the world namely Pakistan, India and China. The flooding in Pakistan followed by bad weather in China and India led to depletion of cotton crops. Consequently, the cumulative global production figures came down, while the demand side recorded strong recovery since this is considered as the beginning to the end-of-recession. The high demand then pushes prices upward in New York market, where prices of cotto n futures have already touched record peaks. Indeed, the upward trend in prices started from July 2010 and over 80% increment was recorded till November 2010.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Wyre School Sport Partnership Programme The Changing Role of the Essay

The Wyre School Sport Partnership Programme The Changing Role of the Physical Education Teacher - Essay Example The programme illustrates the government's attempts to create a collaborative approach between the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the Department of Education and Skills, as well as other key agencies. The emphasis on such initiatives has gained momentum only since 1990's. There have been major investments made in sport in schools, which reflect a commitment from the Blair and Major governments. The success of this programme rests to a large extent, with the PE teachers who serve as a distribution channel for this initiative. Their new role as School Sport Co-ordinator confers on them, managerial and leadership responsibilities that they have not handled before. How PE teachers perceive their new role, their reactions and reflections, will impact the success of the implementation process of the School Sport Partnership Programme. The challenge that is posed for the PE teacher in the changed scenario is to not just supervise lessons, but also promote physical education to students. If PE staff is to work as a catalyst to ensure the success of this initiative, then they need to be encouraged to adopt a broader view of physical activity behaviour and understand their role in PE promotion. This calls for a study that will generate ideas to help PE staff don on the new role, and will provide an insight into PE staff's ability to manage change and successfully accomplish the conferred responsibility of leadership. To obtain an insight into the perceptions of the PE staff, and understand how the interpretation of the policy by PE staff impacts the realization of School Sport Partnership Programme's objectives, a qualitative research is proposed at the Wyre School. The study will be ethnographic in nature, based on interviews and data gathered through observations. The study will also influence my own role as a Partnership Development Manager by offering an insight into the motivations of the team that I work with, which will help in better management of the team to achieve common goals. The final research report will be presented in the form of a thesis. Review of Literature Sport Partnership Programmes The School Sport Partnership Programme is the government's initiative designed to raise standards in schools through an improved and coordinated delivery of PE and sport. School Sport Partnerships bring together multiple schools, clubs, local authorities, national governing bodies of sport and other community organisations under one umbrella, to provide opportunities in sport for students. Thus it increases sporting opportunities for young people by linking school PE and sporting opportunities in the community. The philosophy guiding the initiation of this programme is that of social inclusion, which encourages participation in sports of all young people, and especially those who have been under represented. It is planned that by 2006, every school in England will be part of one of 400 partnerships. The partnership comprises: Full time Partnership Development Manager (PDM) Teachers from secondary school who take on the role of the School Sport Co-ordinator (SSCOs) (allocated two days a week) Teacher from primary school to become

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethnics studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Ethnics studies - Essay Example To start with, smoke signals does not have an elaborate theme as it keeps on shifting from the niche of poverty to richness or urban to rural as the acting environment. In addition, it has not provided adequate illustration of the characters because one can see victor and his friend engaged in much of Indian type of culture while their parents are of English origin. The only bold part of this movie is the racial theme aspect. This is more pronounced from the beginning of the movie when Victor’s speaks like an Indian in persuasion for a lift. It is also clear on ethnic disparity between the Indians and English speakers. Such incidents have also featured in the Mclintock movie when Mr. Douglas saves an Indian racial leader from an assassination attempt after been mistaken to have kidnapped one of the girls who later turned out to have been lost on her way back home. Moreover, the two films above indicate racial ethnicity dated as far as 1950s, but none has a clear chronological analysis of specific duration in which it existed. This makes it very difficult for the audience to draw appropriate analysis and may be mistaken that it was meant to brainwash members of the society (Alexie 4:00). In the Mclintock movie, Americans have also demonstrated the theme of ethnicity against Indian immigrants without proper arguments supporting the racial disparity between these two communities. For instance, in Mclintock movie, we have only been showed the grounds of assassination of the Indian leader on the counts of ethnicity with no proper backings. This kind of theme is also cultivated in the smoke signals where Indians are treated as poor, weak and heavy drinkers who do not even form part of their culture (Alexie 2:00). Both movies demonstrate the themes of violence that has no foundation throughout the whole play. At the initial stages of the smoke signals, Victor’s parents are engaged in violence that may be assumed to be domestic in nature. In addition, Victor and his

Monday, October 28, 2019

War Poetry Coursework Essay Example for Free

War Poetry Coursework Essay Peoples attitudes towards war changed as the war progressed and this is shown in the war poetry which reported about war to the civilians back in Britain. At first these war poems praised war, but when the soldiers realised the truth about war, their poetry changed to show the horrors of war. Eventually poets began writing to ask for the war to stop. The early World War One poetry was written in praise of war. This is because the poets had not yet experienced the horrors of war. They believed the propaganda which led them to believe that war was glorious. Two examples of such poetry are The Soldier and The Dead both by Rupert Brooke. Both of the poems are sonnets. Sonnets are traditionally love poems so through using this form Brooke shows his love for his country. The poems say that it is glorious to die at war: Dying has made us rarer gifts than gold, The Dead This means that the people who die at war are more precious than gold because of their sacrafice. Brooke believes that they have become better people through dying for a cause. The Soldier glorifies death at war by saying If I should dieTheres some corner of a foreign field that is forever England. Brooke cares more about the glory of England than for his own life. Brooke regards death at war as a glorious thing although the word If shows that he does not expect to die. Each poem uses personification. The Dead personifies the Dead by giving the word Dead a capital letter showing respect. The soldier personifies England by calling it her. This also shows patriotism because Brooke thinks of England as a person. The Soldier repeats the word England and English throughout the poem showing Brookes patriotism. The sestet of The Soldier portrays an English Heaven showing patriotism. Rupert Brooke writes as if England was his mother: A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware. This shows why he is so patriotic; England has helped him so much he is repaying the country by risking his life for it, he does not care if he dies for England because he believes that without England he would not have lived in the first place. The Dead displays patriotism because it mentions heritage showing he is proud of Englands military past. Rupert Brooke is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve as he thinks he will not die at war. However, he believes that if he does die at war it will be a glorious and beautiful event. In The Dead he starts off the poem with the words Blow out, you bugles! Over the rich dead. Brooke is celebrating the fact that they have died. This conveys how much he believed death at war was good because he celebrated it. The word Rich suggests that the dead have gained from dying. Poetry written on the front line expressed the differences between the fake image of war which the propaganda created and the truth. The poems described the poor conditions and the number of casualties on the front line. Two examples of such poetry are A Working Party by Siegfried Sassoun and Dulce Et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen. These poems use irony to show how different reality was to the image of war created by propaganda. Sassoun says that there are nimble rats in the trenches. This shows that the rats have more energy than the exhausted soldiers. It also indicates that the conditions must be poor in the trenches for rats to be thriving. Dulce Et Decorum Est has an ironic tile. It is taken from a Latin saying meaning it is sweet and fitting to die for your country. It is an ironic title because the poem shows that it is far from sweet and fitting to die at war. In these poems the irony contrasts emphasises the contrast between the propaganda and reality. Both the poems show the disabling effects of war and how the conditions are dehumanizing for the soldiers. Sassoun uses strong words such as blundered and wretchedly to show how the men have been disabled by war. The word grunt conveys how the conditions have caused them to become animalistic. Owen describes how war has had a disabling effect on the men in the opening lines of the poem. Owen decribes the men as Bent double, like old beggars under sacks. / Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed our way through sludge. This shows how the soldiers have been transormed into sick, angry old men by the war. They are described as drunk with fatigue because they are so tired and overworked that they cannot work or behave normally, but act as if they were drunk from alcohol. Owen and Sassoun make use of direct realism and show panic in emergencies. In Dulce Et Decorum Est the soldier shouts Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! The monosylabic words and exclamation marks show the panic when the gas shell explodes. The speech comes suddenly after a slower description of the trenches and soldiers. This takes the reader by surprise and makes us feel the soldiers surprise when the gas bomb came. In A Woring Party the soldiers say Keep to your right make way!. This shows that the trenches were crowded. The short sentences and monosybalic words show urgency. The exclamation mark emphasises the urgency and frustration of the men as they hurry to get through a trench. The poems have bitter and angry tones. This shows the poets anger at having to go to war. The anger and bitterness is shown in the negative words used throughout the poems. Sassoun uses negative words to descirbe the conditions and feelings of the soldiers such as sodden, wretchedly and chilly. He shows the soldiers individual anger at the war when he says that a soldier stooped and swore / Because a sagging wire had caught his neck. This angry the soldiers are that they will swear at something so little as a sagging wire just to release some of the anger. Wilfred Owen is also angry and bitter at the war. He uses negative words to show this such as haunting, blood-shod, and Bitter as the cud. Owen also shows the mens anger at war by saying they cursed through sludge. Both the poems use repetition to emphasise certain points. A Working Party uses repetition to emphasise how quickly a soldier can die. The poem starts off with the words Three hours ago he blundered up the trench. Half way through the poem the Sassoun repeats this using the word stumbled instead of blundered. The repetition halfway through reminds us how short ago it was when the soldier was alive. Dulce Et Decorum Est also uses repetition. The word drowning is repeated to emphasise the death of the soldier. Both the poems show how qucikly the soldiers die. Sassoun saysthat the man was alive Three hours ago. Owen describes the mans death as it happens in a few seconds when gas kills him suddenly. Owen and Sassoun show that in reaity there is no honour in death at war. In Dulce Et Decorum Est Owen describes how the dead corpse is flung into the wagon. Owen describes the mans white eyes writhing in his face,/ His hanging face like a devils sick of sin. The dead is not treated like a hero but like he is merely another casualty of many in the war. He is not treated with respect but he is treated like a peice of rubbish in a dump. In A Working Party the mans death is not glorious. We know he did not want to die because he thougth of getting bakc by half-past twelve He was stacking sand bags when a shell exploded nearby causing his head to split open. This is not the gloriouus death that we would expect from earlier poems. He is not killed while shooting down enemy troops or in some other glorious heroic way but he is killed stacking sand bags. The Poems have pathos. They both focus on just one death making it stand out from the millions of other casualties. The pathos is extremely effective in A Working Party because Sassoun describes the mans life in Britain: He was a young man with a meagre wife And two small children. This makes us pity him more becasue he had family that he has left behind. Sassoun also describes the mans character. He was a decent chap who did his work and hadnt much to say. This makes the man seem more of an innocent victim than he would if he hadnt been described at all. The mans actions leading up to his death are also described. Irony is used to make us symathise with him because He thought of getting back by half-past twelve. Wilfred Owen also describes just one death but also focuses on the effect is has on Owen. There is a gas attack on a group of men. All the others manage to get away but someone still was yelling out and stumbling. this makes us pity the one man more because he dies alone. Owen tell us the effect the death had on him: In all my dreams before my helpless sight / He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. This makes us pity not only the man who died but also Owen. It also shows that death was such a terrible thing that it had more than one victim, it traumatised the living who would carry the memory for the rest of their lives. As the war progressed the poetry became increasingly bitter. Poets became determined to show the truth of what went on at the front line. They wanted to stop people believing the false image the propaganda had given them so that they would think twice about enlisting. Two of these poems were Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Does it matter? by Seigfried Sassoun. At the time the poems were written many people believed that if they were disabled at war they would be treated as heroes but these poems show that in reality there was no glory in being disabled at war. Seigfried Sassoun shows that there is no glory through his sarcastic tone. The poem asks does it matter? losing your legs? / For people will always be kind. This will make the reader realise that even if people are always kind, it is little compensation for having no legs. The third stanza is about the psychological scars of war. The poem suggests sarcastically that it would not matter to go mad as a result of the war because people wont say that youre mad; For theyll know you fought for your country / And no one will worry a bit. This will make the reader see that the idea of people treating you with respect if you are disabled by war is an unrealistic one. The words And no one will worry a bit are effective because the sarcasm suggests they wont worry because they know why you are disabled and will respect you, whereas in reality people wont worry about you because people wont care. In Disabled the soldiers welcome home is far from heroic. Owen writes: some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer goal. Only a solemn man who brought him fruits. The man is not welcomed back as a hero but is greeted by just one solemn man. He will not be treated as a hero. Instead he will spend a few sick years in institutes. He is lonely and abandoned now shown by the last lines of the poem which ask Why dont they come? Owen and Sassoun show that disabled soldiers rely on pity. They would have expected to have relied on respect after they return but people no longer respect them, they pity them. They rely on peoples kindness as they cannot look after themselves anymore. Sassoun writes that people will always be kind. This is a sarcastic statement because they wont always be kind and if they are it is for the wrong reasons. Disabled shows that the man is abandoned by society. The man is lonely as he sat in a wheelchair waiting for dark. If he was a hero he would be attractive to girls, but instead they touch him like some queer disease. He is neglected as he wants to go to bed but no one comes leaving him on his own, asking Why dont they come? Each poem compares the disabled men to able bodied men showing the contrast between what they are and what they were. Does It Matter? says about the activities the other men take part in which the disabled man cannot participate in: The others come in after hunting to gobble their muffin and eggs. This makes the reader pity the disabled man more because he is left out and forgotten while the able bodied men are having fun. Disabled contrasts the man in the wheelchair with the boys in the park. The man is also contrasted with the way he was before he went to war: There was an artist silly for his face, For it was younger than his youth, last year. Now, he is old. This shows how in just one year he has turned from a handsome young boy into an elderly man. Both A Working Party and Does It Matter use rhetorical questions to encourage the reader to think. Sassoun asks Does it matter? Losing your legs?, Does it matter? Losing your sight? and Do they matter? Those dreams from the pit? After each question there is a pause to make the reader think. These questions are sarcastic becasue they make it seem like it doesnt matter when the poem shows that in reality it does matter. By repeating the question Does it matter? the reader is constantly reminded that it matters a lot to be disabled by war. Disabled repeats a question at the end: Why dont they come And put him to bed? Why dont they come? By making the question the last part of the poem the reader is left thinking about it. By repeating the question it emphasises the lonliness and despair of the soldier. Both the poems are angry at the war and at the attitudes of people in Britain. Wilfred Owen is angry that the army recruited a man who was drunk and underage. The poem says smiling they wrote his lie; aged nineteen years. The fact that the men were smiling makes them seem evil as they were sending a boy off to war. Owen is angry at the war. He see the war as pointless because the boy threw away his legs suggesting that he did it for no good reason. Sassoun is angry at the attitudes of British civilians towards the war and towards the disabled. This is shown in his angry sarcastic tone. The poems show the disabled men remembering when they were able bodied. This shows that remembering better days is all they can do now as they will never have those happy experiences of their youth again. In Disabled the man remembers when he was poular with girls, he remembers playing football and he remembers why he signed up for the war in the first place. He remembers when the town used to swing so gay. In Does It Matter? Sassoun says if you lose your sight you can sit on the terrace remembering. This shows that if you lose your sight all you will have to go by is memories of vision. Disabled and Does It Matter? both focus on the disabling effects after a soldier returns to Britain. Does It Matter? shows how you can lose limbs, lose your sight and be psycholigally affected by war. Disabled shows how a single man has been affected by losing his legs and one arm at war. Towards the end of the war the poets began to ask for the war to stop. They prayed to God for an end to the violence. Two examples of such poetrry are Futility by Wilfred Owen and How Long O Lord by Robert Palmer. They both use rhetorical questions to make the reader think about the purpose of the war. Robert Palmer makes the title of his poem a rhetorical question. Palmer asks God twice in the poem how long the war will last. He asks How long, O Lord, how long, before the flood / Of crimson-welling carnage shall abate. He also asks How long / Shall Satan in high places lead the blind / To battle for the passions of the strong? This is the same question but in each one war is decribed differently to show that there are so many bad things about war. The questions show how desperate Palmer is for the war to end. Wilfred Owen also uses rhetorical questions. He asks Are limbs so clear achieved, are sides Full nerved still warm too hard to stir? He is asking that if the sun once brought life to the earth why it cant bring life to the dead soldier. Owen hopes that if he moves the dead body into the sun it owould bring him back to life. This shows how desperate Owen was that he was willing to try to wake the dead this way. Owen asks a second rhetorical question. He asks Who is it for the day grew tall, O what made fortuous sunbeam toil To break earths sleep at all? This question shows how war has caused Owen to give up hope and ask what was the point in God creating the world if he would only let it be destroyed by war. The poems are both asking for miracles. Owen is asking for the sun to awake a dead man. Palmer is asking for God to end the war. Both the poems use personification. Robert Palmer personifies feelings of hate and pride: Hate their most hateful, pride their deadliest foe. This means that the soldiers biggest enemy is not the Germans but it is their own hate and pride. If they did not have hate for the Germans there would be no war. If they did not have pride they would not have signed up for the war. Owen personifies the kind old sun. This shows that the sun is the only thing Owen has to be thankful for during the war, he looks to it like a friend as he desperately wants the man to awake. Thus to conclude during the four years of World War One the poetry changed to reflect the changing attitudes of the soldiers. At first poets glorified war, as the war progressed they wrote about how they had been lied to by propaganda and about the terrible reality of war. The poetry became increasingly bitter throughout the war and eventually the same poets who glorified war began pleading for the war to stop.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

John Miltons Struggle With Society Essay -- Biography Biographies Ess

John Milton's Struggle With Society John Milton, unlike so many other authors and public figures during the English Civil War, is remarkably easy to place within a historical context. As a vocal supporter of the Commonwealth, Milton left a great deal of information and writings behind to explain precisely how he fit into 17th century England. As Secretary for Foreign Tongues, or Latin Secretary, he worked closely with many of the foremost members of the anti-monarchial regime, such as Oliver Cromwell. As politically active as he was, Milton was equally vocal on matters of religion; he was prolific in his writings against both the Catholic and Apostolic churches. Milton's beliefs and political views were diverse and unique; thus, as Andrew Milner is quoted in Thomas Corn's work, Milton was, "in fact, an Independent pure and simple" (113). Though Milton's political, social, and religious views are made stunningly clear through an examination of the large body of evidence he left behind, it remains difficult to comprehend the significance of his major epics, including Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. While they are undoubtedly significant as reflections on biblical stories, there seems to be a deeper significance that relates directly to Milton's political and religious beliefs. Indeed, it seems clear that Milton intended not merely to retell the biblical stories, but to infuse them with significance beyond mere religion. In order to understand most anything about Milton, one must first understand Milton's world; one must understand the English Revolution and its historical roots. The revolution began in 1579 with the reformation parliament that formed under Henry VIII. Though parliament itself w... ...d Corns, Thomas N. "'Some rousing motions': the plurality of Miltonic ideology." Literature and the English Civil War. Ed. Thomas Healy, Jonathan Sawday. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 110-126. Fallon, Robert Thomas. "A Second Defence: Milton's Critique of Cromwell?" Milton Studies 39 (2000): 167-83. ---. Divided Empire: Milton's Political Imagery. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. Hill, Christopher. Milton and the English Revolution. New York: Viking, 1977. Knoppers, Laura Lunger. Historicizing Milton: Spectacle, Power, and Poetry in Restoration England. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1994. McAdams, James R. "The Pattern of Temptation in Paradise Regained." Milton Studies 4 (1972): 177-93. Orgel, Stephen, and Jonathan Goldberg, eds. John Milton. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991. Â